Captive Portal + Squid3 não redireciona
Marcelloc, o Patch captive portal não está funcionando, pfSense 2.1.4 i386, Squid3 3.1.20 pkg 2.1.0. Proxy desabilitado o Captive funciona normalmente, quando habilito o proxy não transparente e configuro o cliente para acessar o proxy vai direto sem redirecionar para o Captive Portal. Encontrei esta referência no forum postada hoje . Segue o ipfw:
65291 0 0 allow pfsync from any to any 65292 0 0 allow carp from any to any 65301 35 1322 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x0806,0x8035 65302 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x888e,0x88c7 65303 0 0 allow ip from any to any layer2 mac-type 0x8863,0x8864 65307 4 184 deny ip from any to any layer2 not mac-type 0x0800,0x86dd 65310 42053 3480457 allow ip from any to { or } in 65311 37022 6295715 allow ip from { or } to any out 65312 0 0 allow icmp from { or } to any out icmptypes 0 65313 0 0 allow icmp from any to { or } in icmptypes 8 65314 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from table(3) to any in 65315 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(4) in 65316 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from table(3) to any out 65317 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(4) out 65318 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from table(1) to any in 65319 0 0 pipe tablearg ip from any to table(2) out 65532 29 1583 fwd,8000 tcp from any to any dst-port 80 in 65533 67 4130 allow tcp from any to any out 65534 956 56830 deny ip from any to any 65535 8 2069 allow ip from any to any
Mesmo problema aqui se eu configuro a proxy da bypas no captive
to usando o squid3-dev 3.3.10 pkg 2.2.6