Port testing.
I'm having some issues getting Unreal Tournament 3 to be 'hostable' from my rig behind pfsense….
I've gone thru all the stickies/faq's about port forwarding etc.
I have set the correct 'inbound' ports.
I have set the outbounds to 'static port' both on a general rule , and a port specific one.(as suggested in the cs:source sticky) ......
Now , I do know how to forward ports correctly.Every other port I've ever set worked perfectly , however , I'm certainly not a routing expert.Or a bsd one for that matter.I use the webgui as much as I can ;)
This leads me to my question.
I'd like to be able to test ( with 3rd party software or whatever) whether my pfsense router has actually opened the ports correctly , so I can eliminate this as the problem.
I do have a 2nd machine with a diff IP as well.....If this helps.I've been getting mixed results with portscans .
tcpdump on the pfSense box is the best way to ensure that traffic coming in on the WAN is being allowed out onto the LAN and is being responded to.
awesome…..I'll check that too.
I actually used another method to confirm the ports opened correctly....
Netcat on both rigs. (awesome program)
The ports are forwarding just fine.
Thanks !