IPv6 Primer for the IPv4 literate?
So, IPv6 wasn't even a twinkle in anyone's eye when I was studying networking back in the dark ages… :D
Can anyone recommend a concise "for dummies"-style site, book, video, whatever that assumes the reader is familiar with networking in general but could use a primer on IPv6? Life's too short these days for reading RFCs these days! I'm also looking for something more than the sticky tutorial here. :o ;D
There is a bit of a crash course in IPv6 in the pfSense book for 2.1 which you can download if you have a Gold Subscription.
I do and I will check to see if the version I have is current, Thanks!
Take the IPv6 certification course at https://ipv6.he.net/certification/
Then get yourself a free tunnelbroker account at HE.net or equivalent and start using it!