This entry cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by a CARP IP with…
I can't delete a Virtual IP that happens to be in the same subnet as a CARP IP.
This issue is discussed here
But can someone please explain why I cannot delete a Virtual IP that happens to be in the same subnet as a CARP IP. How does it break carp? How is a VIP referenced by a CIP?
my VIP is
and my CIP is -
only if it's the only remaining IP alias in that subnet. See comments on the bug ticket you linked. You have to have an IP assigned to an interface within the subnet of CARP.
only if it's the only remaining IP alias in that subnet. See comments on the bug ticket you linked. You have to have an IP assigned to an interface within the subnet of CARP.
Can we make it so it is not like this? Is seems unreasonable. I deleted the CARP IP and the VIP then recreated the CARP IP. Why can't I do this in just one step? I would end up in the same place. At the moment creating an additional IP is a one-way operation, that I can't easily reverse. It's miserable.