What is the smallest hardware that can run pfsense?
I need something with one or two ethernet ports and wifi. I know of soekris and pcEngines and have used them both. The routerboard hardware seems to be shrinking nicely but I don't think pfsense will run on that. Gumstix would be nice but that would be a port and is way over my head.
Thanks in advance.
GT -
See the minimum hardware requirements for what can run pfSense.
What will be usable however is different, and will entirely depend on your particular situation (bandwidth, usage etc). There have been many threads on this issue and you'll find comments in them.
Thank you. I've read the requirements. I should have been more clear, when I said small I mean in inches.
GT -
Thank you. I've read the requirements. I should have been more clear, when I said small I mean in inches.
I think you are limited depending on the number of NIC interfaces you need.
Probably around 3.5 X 5 is the smallest that I am aware of - of course you application (bandwidth and filtering capabilities will play into the board size as well - memory and what not, and if you are looking to make it a full install you have to take into account the hard drive size as well). Of course you will need to house the board in a case so that will increase the size some - the Alix boards work out to about 6-in X 6-in X 1-in for the Alex2 series and the Alix3 series comes in around 4.5-in X 6-in X 1-in (measurments are in a case using the embedded version of PF in a compact flash).
I guess, if you can program a cell-phone pda you could get it smaller but then that would definitely increase the cost too (grin)…
Just some observations....
For small I was thinking of the fit-pc http://www.fit-pc.com