Not rules blocking all traffic?
Just upgraded my second box to 2.2, now running 2.2-BETA (amd64) built on Mon Sep 29 09:59:31 CDT 2014
My rules permitting traffic to other than a specific network now appear to block all traffic. For example, (where LAN and Trusted_LAN are 2 /24 networks on two separate interfaces):
allow ipv4 icmp from LAN to !Trusted_LAN
blocked icmp to anywhere, where it worked as expected in 2.1.5.
Breaking that into
deny ipv4 icmp from LAN to Trusted_LAN
allow ipv4 icmp from LAN to anyworks, its just uglier.
Look at the rules in /tmp/rules.debug
/tmp/rules.debug rules section. Mine isn't blocking traffic like I want it to
default deny rules
block in log inet all tracker 1000000101 label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block out log inet all tracker 1000000102 label "Default deny rule IPv4"
block in log inet6 all tracker 1000000103 label "Default deny rule IPv6"
block out log inet6 all tracker 1000000104 label "Default deny rule IPv6"IPv6 ICMP is not auxilary, it is required for operation
See man icmp6(4)
1 unreach Destination unreachable
2 toobig Packet too big
128 echoreq Echo service request
129 echorep Echo service reply
133 routersol Router solicitation
134 routeradv Router advertisement
135 neighbrsol Neighbor solicitation
136 neighbradv Neighbor advertisement
pass quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from any to any icmp6-type {1,2,135,136} tracker 1000000105 keep state
Allow only bare essential icmpv6 packets (NS, NA, and RA, echoreq, echorep)
pass out quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {129,133,134,135,136} tracker 1000000106 keep state
pass out quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 icmp6-type {129,133,134,135,136} tracker 1000000107 keep state
pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} tracker 1000000108 keep state
pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from ff02::/16 to fe80::/10 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} tracker 1000000109 keep state
pass in quick inet6 proto ipv6-icmp from fe80::/10 to ff02::/16 icmp6-type {128,133,134,135,136} tracker 1000000110 keep stateWe use the mighty pf, we cannot be fooled.
block log quick inet proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any tracker 1000000111
block log quick inet proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0 tracker 1000000112
block log quick inet6 proto { tcp, udp } from any port = 0 to any tracker 1000000113
block log quick inet6 proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port = 0 tracker 1000000114Snort package
block log quick from <snort2c>to any tracker 1000000115 label "Block snort2c hosts"
block log quick from any to <snort2c>tracker 1000000116 label "Block snort2c hosts"SSH lockout
block in log quick proto tcp from <sshlockout>to (self) port 22 tracker 1000000301 label "sshlockout"
webConfigurator lockout
block in log quick proto tcp from <webconfiguratorlockout>to (self) port 443 tracker 1000000351 label "webConfiguratorlockout"
block in log quick from <virusprot>to any tracker 1000000400 label "virusprot overload table"block bogon networks (IPv4)
block in log quick on $WAN from <bogons>to any tracker 1000001551 label "block bogon IPv4 networks from WAN"
block bogon networks (IPv6)
block in log quick on $WAN from <bogonsv6>to any tracker 1000001552 label "block bogon IPv6 networks from WAN"
antispoof log for $LAN tracker 1000002620allow access to DHCP server on LAN
pass in quick on $LAN proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker 1000002641 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass in quick on $LAN proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker 1000002642 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass out quick on $LAN proto udp from port = 67 to any port = 68 tracker 1000002643 label "allow access to DHCP server"
antispoof log for $SWITCH tracker 1000003670allow access to DHCP server on SWITCH
pass in quick on $SWITCH proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker 1000003691 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass in quick on $SWITCH proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker 1000003692 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass out quick on $SWITCH proto udp from port = 67 to any port = 68 tracker 1000003693 label "allow access to DHCP server"
antispoof log for $VLAN10 tracker 1000004720allow access to DHCP server on VLAN10
pass in quick on $VLAN10 proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker 1000004741 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass in quick on $VLAN10 proto udp from any port = 68 to port = 67 tracker 1000004742 label "allow access to DHCP server"
pass out quick on $VLAN10 proto udp from port = 67 to any port = 68 tracker 1000004743 label "allow access to DHCP server"loopback
pass in on $loopback inet all tracker 1000006861 label "pass IPv4 loopback"
pass out on $loopback inet all tracker 1000006862 label "pass IPv4 loopback"
pass in on $loopback inet6 all tracker 1000006863 label "pass IPv6 loopback"
pass out on $loopback inet6 all tracker 1000006864 label "pass IPv6 loopback"let out anything from the firewall host itself and decrypted IPsec traffic
pass out inet all keep state allow-opts tracker 1000006865 label "let out anything IPv4 from firewall host itself"
pass out inet6 all keep state allow-opts tracker 1000006866 label "let out anything IPv6 from firewall host itself"
pass out route-to ( em3 Gateway ) from Router IP to ! tracker 1000006961 keep state allow-opts label "let out anything from firewall host itself"make sure the user cannot lock himself out of the webConfigurator or SSH
pass in quick on em2 proto tcp from any to (em2) port { 443 80 } tracker 1000007271 keep state label "anti-lockout rule"
NAT Reflection rules
pass in inet tagged PFREFLECT tracker 1000007291 keep state label "NAT REFLECT: Allow traffic to localhost"
User-defined rules follow
anchor "userrules/*"
pass in quick on $OpenVPN from any to any keep state label "USER_RULE: OpenVPN wizard"
pass in quick on $OpenVPN from any to any keep state label "USER_RULE: OpenVPN To Public IP vlan wizard"
pass in quick on $WAN reply-to ( em3 Gateway ) proto udp from any to Router IP port 1194 keep state label "USER_RULE: OpenVPN wizard"
pass in quick on $WAN reply-to ( em3 Gateway ) inet proto tcp from any to Static IP port 80 tracker 1409700904 flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: static ip - port 80"
pass in quick on $WAN reply-to ( em3 Gateway ) inet proto tcp from any to Static IP port 443 tracker 1409705236 flags S/SA keep state label "USER_RULE: static ip - port 443"
pass in quick on $WAN reply-to ( em3 Gateway ) proto udp from any to Router IP port 1195 keep state label "USER_RULE: OpenVPN To Public IP vlan wizard"
pass in quick on $LAN inet from to any tracker 0100000101 keep state label "USER_RULE: Default allow LAN to any rule"at the break! label "USER_RULE: Default allow LAN IPv6 to any rule"
pass in quick on $LAN inet from to tracker 1412478575 keep state label "USER_RULE: block vlan10"
pass in quick on $LAN inet from to tracker 1412482204 keep state label "USER_RULE: To static"
pass in quick on $LAN inet from to Static IP tracker 1412483404 keep state label "USER_RULE: To static"
pass in quick on $LAN inet from to ! $Block_VLAN10 tracker 1412486451 keep state label "USER_RULE: Block_VLAN10"
pass in quick on $SWITCH inet from to any tracker 1409279741 keep state label "USER_RULE: Default all out"
pass in quick on $VLAN10 inet from to any tracker 1409962216 keep state label "USER_RULE: Any out"
pass in quick on $VLAN10 inet from to tracker 1412479159 keep state label "USER_RULE: no lan"
block in quick on $VLAN10 inet from to tracker 1412484062 label "USER_RULE: no lan"at the break! label "USER_RULE: Any out"
pass in quick on $PUBLICIP inet from Static IP to any tracker 1409962576 keep state label "USER_RULE: Static IP out"
pass in quick on $PUBLICIP inet from Static IP to tracker 1412484005 keep state label "USER_RULE: Static IP to lan"VPN Rules
anchor "tftp-proxy/*"
anchor "miniupnpd"</bogonsv6></bogons></virusprot></webconfiguratorlockout></sshlockout></snort2c></snort2c> -
Can you post the firewall rules section of your config.xml to go with that?
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></staticnatport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></natport></sourceport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></staticnatport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></natport></sourceport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></staticnatport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></natport></sourceport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></staticnatport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></natport></sourceport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></staticnatport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></natport></sourceport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></staticnatport></rule>
<username>Manual Outbound NAT Switch</username></created></natport></sourceport></rule></outbound>
<username>OpenVPN Wizard</username></created></any></rule>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<username>admin@</username></updated></any></os></statetimeout></max-src-states></max-src-conn></max-src-nodes></max></tagged></tag></id></rule></filter> -
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<username>OpenVPN Wizard</username></created></any></rule>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<username>OpenVPN Wizard</username></created></any></rule>
<username>OpenVPN Wizard</username></created></any></rule>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<username>admin@</username></created></os></statetimeout></max-src-states></max-src-conn></max-src-nodes></max></tagged></tag></id></rule> -
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<tag><tagged><max><max-src-nodes><max-src-conn><max-src-states><statetimeout><statetype>keep state</statetype>
<username>admin@</username></updated></disabled></any></os></statetimeout></max-src-states></max-src-conn></max-src-nodes></max></tagged></tag></id></rule> -
This pull request should fix it:
and I expect also fix some cases when doing !WANnet !LANnet etc when the interface does not have any VIPs.
Tested on:
2.2-BETA (amd64)
built on Sat Oct 04 19:25:31 CDT 2014
FreeBSD 10.1-PRERELEASEwith these edits to
The Saturday version is the one I'm running with the problem.
You can change /etc/inc/ and test that it fixes the problem if you like.
The raw text of the fixed is: all the text from the browser link above (ctrl-A, ctrl-C)
Use Diagnostics->Edit File
Load /etc/inc/
Select all the text and paste the new text over (ctrl-A, ctrl-V)
SaveThen make a rule edit/save to force it to reload the rules.
Hopefully the "not" rules start to work correctly.
Disclaimer: only do this sort of thing on test systems where you are happy to spend time recovering if you accidentally paste bad/invalid code into a critical file.
For whatever reason it didn't work either. Later today I will wipe, start from scratch and report back.
All working now after a clean reinstall. Also cleared up a few other problems i was having.
All working now after a clean reinstall. Also cleared up a few other problems i was having.
Great to know it is working - I was wondering if there was going to be some other obscure edge case that the code did not handle.