Freeradius 2 Not showing in Pfsense 2.0.2 version
Hi guyz,
Need help ! Freeradius 2 Not showing in Pfsense 2.0.2 version.
Appreciate your help !
Upgrade to Next version ???
Does that mean Free Radius package won't be available any more in 2.0.2 version ?
Correct, 2.0.x is dead. Upgrade.
We cannot rebuild packages for it, if a security issue happens (as happened here), they will be removed from 2.0.x. If something breaks, they will be removed from 2.0.x. If a package maintainer doesn't want to maintain compatibility that far back, it can be removed from 2.0.x also. Eventually, all packages for 2.0.x will be gone.
There is little reason to stay on such an old version. The security issues alone that have been fixed since then should be enough of a motivator to upgrade.
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