620+ days and counting
Havn't touched this one in a while …
Just wanted to say thank you and congratulate to a STABLE product! Maybe it's time for an upgrade.
Attached screenshot of a 1.2.3
I love me some uptime as much as the next guy but you should probably update that box. ;)
Not pfSense but it is FreeBSD:
7:01PM up 1902 days, 7:17, 3 users, load averages: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00
Once upon a time I looked at those and was impressed… Even managed over 700+ days on a 1.2.3 CARP pair once (but lost it due to a long power outage).
Now I just see "Unpatched security hole" :-)
It needs a high-availability-cluster uptime somewhere, then you can upgrade individual members, which hand over roles to a partner/s while rebooting. That gives long real continuous service uptime, fixing of security holes and new features.
On OpenVMS it is not that unusual to have a cluster uptime of 10 or 15 years. Of course new hardware as well as software has been introduced over that time so that actually nothing is the same as when the cluster started.