Mistake about build ISO pfsense
Hi all…!
i have problem with build iso pfsense RELENG_2_2 on FreeBSD 10.1
i perform to ./build iso but have a problem as follows
>>> Installing BSDInstaller: >>> Using FreeBSD 10 BSDInstaller dfuibelua structure. >>> Checking BSDInstaller health... dfuife_curses missing >>> ERROR:
Problem is dfuife_curses, please help me fix it…!
Thanks for read...!
This is due to bsdinstaller never gets installed..
I made a quick fix and sent a pull request to pfsense git..
For the time being u can simply use the fork on our github by setting the GIT_REPO_BSDINSTALLER var in pfsense-build.conf to git://github.com/Key4ce/bsdinstaller.git .
Hi Key4ce_angelo…! Sorry about delay 1 week...!
With help of you, i success build iso...!
Thanks you very so much...! ;)