Firebox LCD Driver for LCDProc
ridnhard19: I copied this file to
If you ever want to make any updates, just email me ( the file as an attachment and I'll update it.
I may see about including this in our lcdproc package at some point if time permits.
I added the driver to my LCDproc package install, I added the following to:
Under the /* lcdproc default driver definitions */:case "sdeclcd": $config_text .= "[{$lcdproc_config['driver']}]\n"; $config_text .= "BackLight=yes\n"; break;
And added the following to: /usr/local/pkg/lcdproc.xml
In the drive options section.<option><value>sdeclcd</value> <name>sdeclcd</name></option>
Then copied the attached ""(remove the ".txt") to "/usr/local/lib/lcdproc/"
So now the LCD works, it says LCDproc Server and on the second line says Cli: 0 Scr: 0
But I couldn't get the LCDproc service to start, so I had to do that manually from the terminal:
"lcdproc -s -p 13666 C M U"
Now the LCD works awesome!
ridnhard19: Thanks for the driver! Hopefully we can get this in the LCDproc package and make it work.
Well, I just followed my own instructions on my other firebox and it worked without me having to start lcdproc from the terminal. And the options on the screens page work as well. Not sure what happened to the first one though ???
Cool; I'm glad its working!! A package for this would rock too where you can click options and it up via web interface…. Maybe after i finish up this big project at work I'll have a life again and can tinker.
thanks ridnhard19,
got this working well on my pfsense watchguard's lcd, switching between cpu and memory statsand let us know if you ever get it to display network related stuff
I tried this on my firebox 2 and the lights are blinking, but they doesn't make any sense. Can you please give me the sourcecode or adapt this driver for the firebox 2?
Since this has been rolled up in the LCDProc package - which driver did you write for the x700? I cannot seem to find the name of the driver in question as well as what port did you assign it (parallel port?, usb com1?)
Thanks again guys. One less X700 on the market.
Since this has been rolled up in the LCDProc package - which driver did you write for the x700? I cannot seem to find the name of the driver in question as well as what port did you assign it (parallel port?, usb com1?)
Thanks again guys. One less X700 on the market.
Just a bump.
Did you ever figure out what driver and port the lcd should be run as?
Or do you still have to install in manually? -
This is awesome… I loaded pfsense on my X500 by popping in a 2GB CF and upgrading the RAM to 512... Truthfully I never expected it to work this well, if at all, since I did it without looking if anyone had done it before. The LCD just tops it off and makes it look great... On ebay most used watchguards go for less than $50 usd since the live security subscription is so much which basically junks the box. This is a perfect appliance for pfsense and with the 6 NICs it really takes it to the next level.
I hope this makes it to a package for the faint of heart!
Being less of a programmer and more of a network guy I ahve been having a hard time adjusting what the LCD reads out. I went through the .conf file but did not see any per line settings... where can i go to edit how/what the LCD displays?
It works perfectly on X750 too. On FreeBSD 7 based versions of pfSense it doesn't work without tricks becose missing libraries and
fix it by:
cd /lib
ln -s
ln -s it works
fix it by:
cd /lib
ln -s
ln -s it works
Yup. I did that.
Friend also recommended using libmap.conf instead of ln, but I didn't get myself to try it yet.
Hi. Kinda new to this. I got a 128 MB card loaded with the PFSense but need some more detailed newb type help to get the LCD portion to work. Can anyone help me?
Thanks for your time,
Jess -
I am also new and interested in getting the LCD to work on my Firebox. 1.2.1 final works great from CompactFlash otherwise.
what is the chance somebody will get the buttons on the firebox x series working within lcdproc? prior to installing pfsense on my watchguard I had full ubuntu server installed using lcd4linux. The latest version of lcd4linux supports 100% the sdec lcd on the firebox x series as well as the buttons. I was able to configure screens and reboot the firebox through the interface.
The aptitude version of lcd4linux doesnt have this support, only the latest v10.1 rc2 version does which I manually downloaded and installed on top of the v10.0 that is available through aptitude.
In response to a couple requests; I've posed the LCDproc driver code for the lcd. I've been informed we might be able to make a charmap for the hd44780 standard driver in LCDproc. Doing this would allow the buttons to work too!
Source code is posted on my site:
Works fine here on 1.2.3-RC1, even without the symlinks. As I run an embeded kernel on a HDD, I just had to comment out the 2 mount lines in the install script before running.
Would be nice to see the buttons working.
fix it by:
cd /lib
ln -s
ln -s it works
Did you do this on an embedded system or full install? When I try on an embedded, I get:
pfsense:/lib# ln -s
ln: Read-only file system -
Thank you. Awesome job on this. Another x700 LCD working on an embedded system.