Nating Over VLAN trunk?
Would it be possible to Create a Vlan Trunk from my pfsense/firewall router to my switch and then another to a vitrual pfsense/router located on Vsphere and NAT Traffic through to specific vlans?? Trying to find away to subdivide things to keep open ports exposed to the internet on a separate network.
Yes that's possible.
Probably the nicest, most over-done diagram we've seen here in a while. :)
Thanks! Coulda been better if I spent more time but it got my point across.
How did you do that? (diagram)
How did you do that? (diagram)
3ds Max software is pretty in depth but I've been working with it for a little over a year getting pretty good with it, its really fun once you get the hang of everything. That was just something i threw together in about 10 min.
Here's something that took a little longer