HAVP Package install fails - BETA 0.91_1 pkg v1.02 platform: 2.2
I have a new firewall setup in progress and have run into a few hiccups along the way. I would normally use the stable release, such as 2.1.5, but I am stuck using the 2.2 snapshot due to hardware. The system I am using is a Biostar AM1ML motherboard, AMD Sempron 3850 Kabini Quad-Core 1.3GHz, and 4GB RAM. I attempted to use the 2.1.5 AMD64 install, which failed in every variation of install method. In any case I came to the conclusion that the board's chipset is too new for the 2.1 release. The 2.2-Beta release installed without any issues. Here is the issue I am having at the moment:
I have installed Dansgaurdian, Squid 2.7.9, Squidgaurd 1.4, and pfBlocker without any problems. When I try to install HAVP though I get this message:
Beginning package installation for HAVP antivirus .
Downloading package configuration file… done.
Saving updated package information... done.
Downloading HAVP antivirus and its dependencies...
Checking for package installation...
Downloading https://files.pfsense.org/packages/10/All/havp-0.91_1-amd64.pbi ... (extracting)
ERROR: No digital signature! If you are SURE you trust this PBI, re-install with --no-checksig option.
of havp-0.91_1-amd64 failed!Installation aborted.Removing package...
Starting package deletion for havp-0.91_1-amd64...done.
Removing HAVP antivirus components...
Tabs items... done.
Menu items... done.
Services... done.
Loading package instructions...
Include file havp.inc could not be found for inclusion.
Deinstall commands...
Not executing custom deinstall hook because an include is missing.
Removing package instructions...done.
Auxiliary files... done.
Package XML... done.
Configuration... done.
Failed to install package.Installation halted.
Is there a way I can install this package manually, or is there a setting I can change in the Web interface that will allow this package to properly install?
ERROR: No digital signature! If you are SURE you trust this PBI, re-install with –no-checksig option.
Is there a way I can install this package manually, or is there a setting I can change in the Web interface that will allow this package to properly install?
Tick the box "Do not check package signature" (system, advanced, miscellaneous tab, near the bottom).
If / when you update this beta install, you have to allow unsigned images for pfSense firmware updates too (system, firmware, updater settings). Not sure how that option defaults right now, but the beta images are not signed yet.
Packages are signed, that check shouldn't be disabled. That's a problem with HAVP for some reason. There are bigger package issues we're working on, once those are done we'll verify things like this.
Thanks charliem, that did the trick!
cmb - I understand the importance of the digital signature and that there are much more important problems to iron out first. This is for personal use and testing so I am not concerned with everything being "proper" just yet. Once it hits the stable release then I will re-evaluate the install and probably redo it.
Thanks again for the help!!