Web page title changes?
I like to have several web browser tabs open when using pfsense, but it can be hard to work out which browser tab to click on when the web page title uses the format: [Firewall Domain] [Web Page Title]
Could the web page titles be swapped around, so we can see the webpage titles instead of just seeing the firewall domain in the web browser tab?
If it were swapped then it would cause difficulties for those managing CARP clusters and multiple firewalls that need to see the hostname first.
If you had 6 different firewalls open and the same page open on each one, then having the web page title first is much more confusing.
Maybe someone could add the alternate order as an optional non-default choice under System > Advanced, but I don't see the default changing.
it would cause difficulties for those managing CARP clusters and multiple firewalls that need to see the hostname first.
Is this the dominant use-case, people running dual-node failover configs?
If you had 6 different firewalls open and the same page open on each one, then having the web page title first is much more confusing.
Again, how often does it happen where you're trying to manage many different firewall instances at the same time, versus having different views of the same firewall instance open?
I agree with firewalluser, but then I only manage the one firewall.
I'd say the number of people with multiple firewalls outweighs the number of people with just a single firewall, but that's purely anecdotal.
At least from those we encounter from working the support side of things, most people have several and manage several at once in many cases.
As I said, someone could add it as an optional toggle, but the default is unlikely to change.
Bring on pfCenter (or its successor). ;)
Interesting though that there seem to more people managing multiple boxes. I guess it could also be that people with multiple boxes are much mroe likely to have support contracts or find bugs. I know I've managed to set things on my 'production' box whilst thinking I was operating on a test box before, even with the host name in the title. ::) Some sort of alternative theme with a different favicon maybe?
Once you pop, you can't stop. 8)
When you use pfSense somewhere, you want to use it everywhere…
A significant portion of users have multiple systems, whether a pair at one location, or one each at multiple locations. Having the hostname first is best for most use cases.
Having it be a dynamic, user-defined field with a few simple variables (%host, %IP, %node, %page, %carp etc) to build your custom output would be ideal. Not exactly high-priority, but Christmas is coming…
I have a dozen or so systems on our intranet connected by OpenVPN site-to-site. I often have quite a few webGUI open on different boxes, so its usually best for me to be able to see the host name.
But I can see that some people managing 1 or few systems might like to have multiple pages open on the 1 system and see the page names first in the browser tab.
It is rather easy to implement a checkbox option, just a few minutes code cut-paste-hack. So here is a pull request that lets the user choose:
The question is, how many check box options to have on that System:Advanced:Admin page - it could go on forever if we think of another 100 customizable things that could be done to the webGUI. Up to the project managers to decide if this extra checkbox is worth it, or whether to wait for Christmas and an all-singing all-dancing dynamic user-defined field ;) -
If it were swapped then it would cause difficulties for those managing CARP clusters and multiple firewalls that need to see the hostname first.
If you had 6 different firewalls open and the same page open on each one, then having the web page title first is much more confusing.
Maybe someone could add the alternate order as an optional non-default choice under System > Advanced, but I don't see the default changing.
I manage a number of different systems for SME's but rarely work on different firewalls at different sites from the one browser.
I'll use one browser with multiple tabs open for one instance of a firewall because when I switch between browsers (read different firewalls) it doesnt matter what tab its on, I can always see the ip address and thus identify the firewall that way, but when copying settings/rules for different interfaces through the gui, its handy to have the tabs open cut n pasting the settings across.Its always interesting to see how different people work none the less as it may be possible to pick up new ways to improve productivity.
I merged Phil's pull request for this yesterday, should have made the most recent snapshot that's available at the time of this writing.
I shall upgrade & check it out once my isp has reset my adsl variable ip, as I'm just testing the firewall states with the version below.
2.2-BETA (amd64)
built on Tue Dec 02 08:17:30 CST 2014
FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE -
I'd say the number of people with multiple firewalls outweighs the number of people with just a single firewall, but that's purely anecdotal.
At least from those we encounter from working the support side of things, most people have several and manage several at once in many cases.
As I said, someone could add it as an optional toggle, but the default is unlikely to change.
Can't you tell what the popular settings are from the AutoConfigBackup's deposited in the cloud service?
If you are not allowed to do it due to the existing contract, maybe an opt in facility to share the configs for analysis to better pfsense could also give you access to more data?
Sanitisation might be an issue for some though, but it would not be hard to do a search and replace for ranges & ip's to be randomised, and something similar for the domains, username and passwords, CA & cert names.
This way you still get an overview of how people are using pfsense, but its sanitised enough to not really give too much pertinent details away.
The configs stored by AutoConfig Backup are encrypted first. They would need to know the passwords used (or be running a brute-force cracker in the background on that server ;)
Maybe some users make the password "abc123" but hopefully not many are that crazy to give away their CA/certificates… -
Yeah, the xml file would need to be sanitised and would also need to be spun out to a separate file name before uploading/submitting as an example. I'm not proposing people give away anything too sensitive, although I do recognise it could be argued the very config ie layout of the network could be useful for some.
Its only a thought, but anyway thanks for your changes for the webtitle!