Connecting Sattelite Offices
Hi All
I am not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in.
I have 2 offices that I am trying to connect. Office A is using a PFSense 2.0 while Office B is using a Dell Sonicwall NSA220. These offices are located in 2 different continents and as such will need to use their own isp for routing internet traffic, I just want to create a VPN tunnel for just data that needs to be shared but their internet should still be routed through their own ISP.
Please advise.
Hi Ramotalan,
You have some VPN choices for that. In Your particular case I recomende OpenVPN, I just don't know if it is supported by sonic wall.
Rod Barbosa -
Upgrade to pfSense 2.1.5 while you're at it.
Not sure if the SonicWall supports OpenVPN. IPsec should work if not.
I tried using this link to setup
My problem is that Office A can access Office B, but Office B cannot access Office A
What firewall rules are on the ipsec tab at office A?
Hi Derelict
Please check screenshot for IPsec rules
Why TCP only? You know you can't ping with that rule right? "Ping" is ICMP.
Hi Derelict
Thanks, I was just being an idiot.
The connection is working. I changed protocol to any.