Stge0 2 link states coalesced
Brand new install. only basic made no changes.
It really made my network FLY !!!
Past few mornings I wake up to limited network connection and when looking at PFsense routher
I see stge0 2 link states coalesced . and have to reboot PFsense.Do I need to make changes to setup ?
I Love the way it runs..
Jerry -
that means it lost and regained link very quickly, too quickly for it to log down and up. Probably a NIC or driver issue, or possibly an issue with a cable or switch port it's plugged into. Assuming you're on 2.1.5, 2.2 probably would behave better if it's a driver issue since that's a relatively new driver (or was at the time of the base OS in 2.1x versions).
new install
2.1.5-RELEASE (i386)
built on Mon Aug 25 07:44:26 EDT 2014
FreeBSD 8.3-RELEASE-p16Dell optiplex GX 270
st-1023 gigabit ethernet cardsDisabled onboard nic
on install it shows stage 0 and 1 …... Sundance ST-1023 Gigabit Ethernetalso seeing this in log
kernel: ZFS WARNING: Recommended minimum kmem_size is 512MB; expect unstable behavior.trying to find where to change.
Thanks for Help..