Restarting openvpn service also stops ntpd service
2.2-ALPHA (amd64)
built on Tue Sep 09 10:49:11 CDT 2014On the Status>Services page, if I click the restart button next to openvpn, that service will restart after a few seconds. However, it also seems to cause the ntpd service to stop and remain stopped until I click the Start button next to that.
I'm guessing that's a bug? The ntpd service should either not be stopped at all, or should at least be restarted successfully, right?
It restarts ntpd after restarting OpenVPN and it takes a little bit to start. It just happens that the page reload catches it stopped. If you reload the status page after a couple seconds it'll be running again.
Ah, you're right. I refreshed a couple times and it was still stopped, so I figured it was permanent. This time, I refreshed a few more times and it eventually came back by itself. Sorry about that.
Is it reasonable to make the Status column say "Restarting" instead of "Stopped"? It's not a big deal in this situation but I could see it being handy in cases where a service is hanging on startup.
ideally, yeah it'd be nice if it was smarter about that. At this time it only knows whether it's running or not running and that won't change in the immediate future.
Can you add it to the future todo list:
Can you add it to the future todo list:
That's a general architectural issue which will be addressed as part of a larger effort to improve service handling in the future, not opening tickets along those lines currently.