Pfblocker dashboard widget Fatal error: Unsupported operand types
In the dashboard we have an error after click "Save Settings" , once I add the Pfblocker widget, I see the widget with all data, but after click to the bottom "save Settings" the widget was transform and show and error :
_Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /usr/local/www/widgets/widgets/pfBlocker.widget.php on line 57_fThis error only was show if I have IPsec widget added, seems a imcompatibility.
I have another PFsense same hardware and pfsense version, without any problem, but obviously different configuration.
Any one with same problem?.
It seems to be using the first word in the text after USER RULE: as a variable name. That is the first word in the description of the rule.
Do you have some rules that have descriptions that start with a number, or with some special Unicode script in the description (maybe special European characters even)? -
Hi Oren,
You can run this command to get a list of all your USER RULES :
/sbin/pfctl -s labels | grep "USER"
Thanks phil.davis, BBcan177
I check my User Rules, some of then doesn't have description, but after fixed the problem persist.
The PFblocker widget only crash with IPSEC widget can't be a problem related with the User Rules.
Oren -
I also had this issue and tracked it down to a user rule that had a description beginning with the string "carp" - it appears that $matches['carp'] is used elsewhere before pfblockNG and contains an array of data related to carp interfaces
Two possible fixes:-
- find the rule description that begins with the term "carp" and change it
- adjust the code to use a variable name other than $matches