Cant update to Nov30 snapshot, nanobsd install
I did a fresh install yesterday with the Nov29 nanobsd 2gb snapshot. As I try to update to Nov30 snapshot (today latest) I get an error "something wrong happened while trying to upfate stab entries" and update fails.
fstab has rw-r–r-- fstab
/dev/ufs/pfsense0 / ufs ro,sync,noatime 1 1
/dev/ufs/cf /cf ufs ro,sync,noatime 1 1Any suggestion?
I updated also to:
2.2-BETA (i386)
built on Sun Nov 30 14:57:52 CST 2014
nanobsd (2g)My fstab is the same as yours.
I have not noticed any error.
Where did you see that error message?
and I hope it did not really say:upfate stab
The error comes up in the yellow notification area on the right upper corner of the gui.
no it doesn't say upfate, of course! -
Also I tried to clone my existing nanobsd slice to the second slot and it fails with the folowing error:
Warning: copy(/tmp/pfsense0/etc/fstab): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /etc/inc/ on line 2242 Warning: file_put_contents(/tmp/pfsense0/etc/fstab): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /etc/inc/ on line 2249
looking at /etc/inc/ around that line:
function nanobsd_update_fstab($gslice, $complete_path, $oldufs, $newufs) { $tmppath = "/tmp/{$gslice}"; $fstabpath = "/tmp/{$gslice}/etc/fstab"; mkdir($tmppath); exec("/sbin/fsck_ufs -y /dev/{$complete_path}"); exec("/sbin/mount /dev/ufs/{$gslice} {$tmppath}"); copy("/etc/fstab", $fstabpath); if (!file_exists($fstabpath)) { $fstab = <<<eof<br>/dev/ufs/{$gslice} / ufs ro,noatime 1 1 /dev/ufs/cf /cf ufs ro,noatime 1 1 EOF; if (file_put_contents($fstabpath, $fstab)) $status = true; else $status = false; } else { $status = exec("sed -i \"\" \"s/pfsense{$oldufs}/pfsense{$newufs}/g\" {$fstabpath}"); } exec("/sbin/umount {$tmppath}"); rmdir($tmppath); return $status; }</eof<br>
I think it fails because the line
exec("/sbin/mount /dev/ufs/{$gslice} {$tmppath}");
fails to mount.
In my install $gslice = pfsense0, @tmppath = /tmp/pfsense0
if I try to manually run the line from the console :
mkdir /tmp/pfsense0
mount /dev/ufs/pfsense0 /tmp/pfsense0it fails with "device busy" but indeed I have not done any initialization or umounts that may have happened before this code is invoked.
After this mount fails the relative path to /tmp/pfsense0/etc/ftabs doesnot exist so the function fails.
I think this is related to the same error mentioned on my initial post when I try to upgrade to a new snapshot.
Of note:
- This is a fresh install of the Nov 30 snapshot.
- Compact flash was written using DD on a mac
- One anomaly after installation was that there was no initial config.xml in /conf so there was an error displayed on the serial console to that effect.
dropping to a shell and copying config.xml from /cf/conf.default to /conf solved the problem and allowed for a normal start minus the initial wizard that I was expecting to see running on first logon to the GUI
Hope this help to identify the problem
That sounds like you wrote out the update image to the card, not the image for a new install.
Yikes…. I may very well had! How stupid of me!
Easy to fix though!
Will fix and report back.Thanks
Had the same problem and YES, I stupidly flashed the update image instead of the initial install.
My mistake. now i feel soooo stupid! thanks cmb for the prompt catch. I am glad to see I am not the only one though :)