Barracuda 310 NICs
You can put it anywhere. I usually use /root for such things but /conf is also common.
The C file is the source code in case you (or anyone) wanted to review or change it. You don't need that on the firewall.
You want the other file, so just
, and you have to set the permissions before you run it like:[2.7.0-RELEASE][admin@t70.stevew.lan]/root: ls .cshrc .links .shrc nmap.error .history .login .ssh nmap.result .hushlogin .profile .tcshrc wazuh-agent-4.5.0.pkg .k5login .rnd BCHW64 [2.7.0-RELEASE][admin@t70.stevew.lan]/root: chmod 0755 BCHW64 [2.7.0-RELEASE][admin@t70.stevew.lan]/root: ./BCHW64 BCHW Version 1.0 14/12/2014 stephenw10 This program is intended to control the hardware of some models of Barracuda web filter. The LEDs and LAN-Bypass are controlled directly by pins in the parallel port. BCHW can accept two arguments: green, yellow, red or bypass followed by on or off. status will report the current setting of the port bits
Thank you very much.
I'll give it a try and let you know.