Snort on vpn connections??
Hi all,
I have installed an openvpn client directly in pfsense to my vpn provider. This is running over an VPN_WAN and a VPN_GATEWAY.
Everything is working so far, it gets the correct DNS by DHCP, the IP is "correct", the routing seems fine.But now I want to use snort on my box. And I tried to use snort on VPN_WAN but that doesn't seem to work correctly because the traffic is encrypted of course. So I get a lot of alerts on just surfing normal websites, they are endless, most of them (http_inspect) UNKNOWN METHOD.
How can I achieve snorting a vpn connection, normally the snort has to be placed after the traffic is decrypted but also on VPNLAN it's the same behaviour.
If I use snort on my normal WAN connection there are way not so much alters. I am using it in connectivity mode anyway.
Is there any solution for this?
Hi all,
I have installed an openvpn client directly in pfsense to my vpn provider. This is running over an VPN_WAN and a VPN_GATEWAY.
Everything is working so far, it gets the correct DNS by DHCP, the IP is "correct", the routing seems fine.But now I want to use snort on my box. And I tried to use snort on VPN_WAN but that doesn't seem to work correctly because the traffic is encrypted of course. So I get a lot of alerts on just surfing normal websites, they are endless, most of them (http_inspect) UNKNOWN METHOD.
How can I achieve snorting a vpn connection, normally the snort has to be placed after the traffic is decrypted but also on VPNLAN it's the same behaviour.
If I use snort on my normal WAN connection there are way not so much alters. I am using it in connectivity mode anyway.
Is there any solution for this?
You are seeing some rather well known false positives. The HTTP_INSPECT is notorious for giving false positives. There is a Suppress List thread here in the Packages sub-forum that lists most of the common false positive rules that folks either disable or create suppress entries for. Do a search for "master suppress list", and it should pop up.
The problem that I have is :
I have snort enabled on WAN and on VPNWAN.
I call website x on WAN and get let's say 4 snort messages for this website.
Then I call the same website on VPNWAN and I get like 30 snort alerts for the same website.
This is why I think somethings wrong with "snorting" a VPN WAN interface.
Hope this is more understandable now.
You may get additional preprocessor or decoder alerts due to the packet structure. Just add suppress list entries for those.