APU1D with LTE Huawei ME909u-521
No the MC-7750 in any "serial only" box with Verizon would be a no go with a card swap from another computer.. I have a feeling the Verizon sim activation uses something from the host computer and writes it to the SIM. Locks it to that device. You may be able to activate it in the APU if you get the right person on the phone at customer support. They can activate it over the phone.
Regarding the EOL status: You have to realize that open source lags in development and many of the best working devices are EOL.
Now if your trying to source new MC77xx modules i can understand your dilemma.
I have both EM7355/MC7355 in hand and need to test. These are more common than the MC7304/7305 here in the US.
Yes you would need to flash an MC77xx to directIP before even attempting to get it going with Verizon/pfSense.
I can confirm that the Huawei EM820W is not working.
Sorry i need to fix my messup. Just tried an EM820W in my Lanner FW7535 and it is working fine as PPP modem on cuaU0.4
I am going to edit my bad info above. Still only 3.5G speed though at HPSA+ 21M…
Hi Huawei ME909u-521 users,
I got this card but nothing about Huawei appears in dmsg…
Is there any chance to get this LTE card working on pfSense 2.2.4 ?
Thanks for your answers
I am afraid that is not going to work. Is this a European band module? I would fire up Ubuntu 15.04 and see what modem manager GUI gives you for info. Maybe CDC ethernet….. I dunno. Post any results as it may work..
Maybe slip the module into a laptop to check it out -if your on a console only box..I see I was pretty green 6 months ago with some flagrant errors above. Went pretty far off topic too. Sorry.
Never had my MC7750 on pfSense with Verizon. MC7750 ProductID is not supported in pfSense and the module only runs in QMI mode. -
Also to correct myself, the MC7700 does indeed work with T_Mobile. Problem is that it was not LTE as B2 and B4 LTE for T_mobile frequencies are in the 1900mhz range and MC7700 uses 700mhz/B17. I thought at the time I was getting LTE… Live and learn.
It worked so fast I had assumed it it was 4G.I have bought an MC7710 to test as I have many nearby T-mobile towers i discovered. Of course now T_mobile is adding LTE/B12 and no modem has it yet...
I just booted my APU1D4 with Ubuntu:
@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | grep -i "usb 1-2" [ 3.029495] usb 1-2: new high-speed USB device number 2 using ehci-pci [ 3.189951] usb 1-2: New USB device found, idVendor=12d1, idProduct=1573 [ 3.196715] usb 1-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=2, Product=3, SerialNumber=4 [ 3.203884] usb 1-2: Product: HUAWEI Mobile [ 3.208093] usb 1-2: Manufacturer: HUAWEI Technology [ 3.213084] usb 1-2: SerialNumber: 0123456789ABCDEF [ 10.286304] usb 1-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0 [ 10.286800] usb 1-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1 [ 10.290253] usb 1-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB2 [ 10.290622] usb 1-2: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB3 @ubuntu:~$
Can this be helpful ?
I'm located in France and just need the appropriate bands. (2500/2600 for LTE, 1900/2100 for UMTS I guess)
This module should be European and is supposed to be working here.I also ordered a Sierra MC7710. It should be there in a few weeks.
I know that Sierra MC7304 is working for Orange network.In pfSense, right after rebooting from Ubuntu, I can find the following in dmesg:
ugen1.2: <huawei technology=""> at usbus1 cdce0: <cdc ethernet="" control="" model="" ecm=""> on usbus1 ue0: <usb ethernet=""> on cdce0 ue0: Ethernet address: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx</usb></cdc></huawei>
I can add a new interface based on the ue0 port.
However, nothing more than cuau0 and cuau1 which are the internal serial ports.Here is the usbconfig result:
root: usbconfig -u 1 -a 2 dump_device_desc ugen1.2: <huawei mobile="" huawei="" technology="">at usbus1, cfg=0 md=HOST spd=HIGH (480Mbps) pwr=ON (500mA) bLength = 0x0012 bDescriptorType = 0x0001 bcdUSB = 0x0200 bDeviceClass = 0x00fe bDeviceSubClass = 0x0000 bDeviceProtocol = 0x0000 bMaxPacketSize0 = 0x0040 idVendor = 0x12d1 idProduct = 0x1573 bcdDevice = 0x0228 iManufacturer = 0x0002 <huawei technology="">iProduct = 0x0003 <huawei mobile="">iSerialNumber = 0x0004 <0123456789ABCDEF> bNumConfigurations = 0x0002</huawei></huawei></huawei>
You will also find the lsusb -v result as attachement.
How can we try to make this Huawei working ?
I see that you have a CDC ethernet connection with ue0. There is nowhere to enter APN and you cannot connect without it from my experience.
I am no developer but to make it work would probably require you to add the VID/PID to USBDEVS/U3G–(ie. build your own kernel). It appears there is an USB interface there and you would have to coax the AT command interface out for PPP connection.
Do you own a MC7304? There maybe something in the future for that module… Support for MC7354 was just added and next the MC7355 hopefully. The MC7304 module shares the same firmware.
I only have this Huawei ME909u-521 module at the moment.
As described here, I must be supported:
http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/ModemManager/SupportedDevices/#index6h1usb_modeswitch with following configuration:
[2.2.4-RELEASE][admin@pfSense]/root: cat 12d1:1573 DefaultVendor= 0x12d1 DefaultProduct= 0x1573 TargetVendor= 0x12d1 TargetProductList= "1001,1406,140b,140c,1412,141b,1433,14ac" CheckSuccess=20 HuaweiNewMode=1 NeedResponse=0 MessageEndpoint = 0x05 MessageContent = "55534243123456780000000000000011062000000100000000000000000000" [2.2.4-RELEASE][admin@pfSense]/root:
[2.2.4-RELEASE][admin@pfSense]/root: usb_modeswitch -c 12d1:1573 Look for target devices ... No devices in target mode or class found Look for default devices ... product ID matched Found devices in default mode (1) Access device 002 on bus 001 Current configuration number is 1 Use interface number 0 Error: response endpoint not given or found. Abort [2.2.4-RELEASE][admin@pfSense]/root:
Any idea ?
Thanks in advance
Your showing me a Linux forum saying it should work. This system is based on FreeBSD and compatibility depends on the underlying components. You need to check out here for supported devices.
Also Mini-PCIe modules have no need for usb-modeswitch. That is ONLY for ejecting the Mass Storage device presented by some USB Modems. Not internal modems.
Have you tried it with Ubuntu or something that supports it.
My modem fallback is OpenWRT. They support it all and keep it fresh.
Ubuntu and Mint since version 16 have worked with the MC7700 modem. Version 17 worked out of the box. But something goes on behind your back. It switches your DirectIP module to QMI mode without warning. So any back and forth between DIP and QMI environments like that could cause havoc for you troubleshooting in pfSense..Windows you have some control via drivers.
USB/3G/Mass Storage Devices. Mode switching has morphed into switching firmware from DIP to QMI mode on Ubuntu. Handled by usb-modeswitcher. (My best guess)
With Sierra naming their software -Mode Switcher- as well i can see where it gets confusing. That and I ramble ON alot!!!What a bunch of crap. I was all wrong. Ubuntu and Mint "Modeswitch" nothing on those modules. Either Dip firmware or QMI firmware.. Multiple interfaces available(ie AT port/NEMA-GPS port/Data Port). That is what all the USB ports are about(6 ports found) There may be multiple data interfaces available to different operating systems..
There may be a way to switch from DIP to QMI with "AT commands" on these MC77xx modules it appears. Probably need newest firmware.
Surprisingly they have still been releasing new firmwares for these modules. And they add new features common to their newer MC73xx devices. Not all features but some. You can tell from the AT commands. Some that didn't' work on older firmware now work.
Sorry for the incorrect guess.
In the older MC77xx modules firmware the AT!UDUSBCOMP= setting showed nothing. With newer firmware we get this.
So notice how this module has QMI only.
Newer MC73xx modules support both MBIM and QMI. They will work with either pfSense/MBIM or Ubuntu/QMI.
So both are supported differently depending on the OS.
So the procedure for modeswitching via AT commands goes like this example for the above module.
Notice only 6,7,8 say supported. Well you can pick from any of these 3 modes.
6)= DM(Managment Port)___ NEMA(GPS)___AT(AT Command Port)___QMI(Data Channel)
7)=Same except data channels are RMNET1,2,3. In reality there are two data chanels and RMNET3 is ???UNK.
8>=WIN8STD NetNow to switch simply issue AT!UDUSBCOMP=6 Or whatever mode you want.
The RMNETS interfaces are for the Sierra Gobi API programming kit.
I have no clue as to the -Win8STD Net-. But there is no "AT command" port there and no switching back unless MS has a tool.
Here are the details on the MC7700 in DIP mode.
See we have a QMI mode there in #6 but "Not Supported"
Here is the same module switched to QMI with the Sierra Windows utility Modeswitcher. Looks like the PID changes from 68A3 to 68A2…
I cannot find any other serial port than the APU1D's mother board ports:[2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root: ls /dev/ acpi ada0s1 bpf cuau0.init devctl gpioapu label null pts stdout ttyu1.init ugen0.1 ugen5.1 xpt0 ad4 ada0s1a bpf0 cuau0.lock devstat io md0 pass0 random sysmouse ttyu1.lock ugen1.1 ugen6.1 zero ad4s1 ada0s1b console cuau1 dumpdev kbd0 mdctl pass1 sndstat ttyu0 tun1 ugen1.2 ugen6.2 ad4s1a apm crypto cuau1.init fd kbdmux0 mem pci speaker ttyu0.init tun2 ugen2.1 urandom ad4s1b apmctl ctty cuau1.lock fido klog midistat pf stderr ttyu0.lock ufsid ugen3.1 usb ada0 audit cuau0 da0 geom.ctl kmem nfslock ptmx stdin ttyu1 ufssuspend ugen4.1 usbctl [2.2.4-RELEASE][root@pfSense]/root::
Do you have any idea on how to switch between configurations ?
Thank you
We can change the device's configuration with:
usbconfig -d 1.2 set_config 0
usbconfig -d 1.2 set_config 1
I can see ue0 disappearing after switching to mode 1 (2 actually)
No serial port are discovered in any mode.
Maybe a serial port driver issue ?
Any help will be much appreciated.
After some more reading i see that usb-modeswitch does do more than -CD eject-. I think with a CDC interface you have gone as far as you can -without USB port recognition. You really need the USB interface to send AT commands for APN and to connect. CDC ethernet devices work with an AT channel. The Ericsson H5321 is such an example of working in pfSense with an CDC data interface. It uses the AT port to connect, CDC for data.
To get that -you would need your VID/PID in FreeBSD "USBDEVS" file and then device details in "U3G" file to be recognized . Even then I don't know what goes on with modem scripting(mpd5) It might require something there as well. Seeing how there are other Huawei on the list it might work. I see they uses CDC-NCM.
So what are the two configurations you are switching? We know that one is an CDC Ethernet interface. What is the other? Does the module PID change with Configuration?
Is usb-modeswitch actually switching the VID/PID on the physical module or software aliasing it?? I dunno…