I was curious what kind of website is this ?
http://bgp.he.netHurricane Electric BGP Toolkit
Welcome to the Hurricane Electric BGP Toolkit. You are visiting from ( United States. Announced as …
Looking Glass - BGP Prefix Report - BGP Peer Report - World Report -
I have selected Germany in the Top20 list and defined it as Deny Inbound. However, snort is still picking up German ip address. Why isnt pfblocker blocking this ip address?
Ip address in snort
Firewall rules
Trumee - Snort sees all traffic regardless of pfSense firewall rules. Even if you have zero allow inbound rules Snort still sees the attempted connection and will generate an alert block even if its already blocked by pfSense.
Does the ip4 txt file care about double ip's?
I mean if you have a txt: it work or does it require a unique list?
Also if a list exist:
does it work? -
Enable "De-Duplication" in the General Tab. This will remove all duplication's (Including CIDR). If you already have lists downloaded, you can make that change and then execute a "Force Reload".
outstanding work. Just stumbled about a little problem. I'm using pfblockerNG in combination with CARP. Settings should be synced to configured backup server - which i'm not sure they really get. I can clearly find the rules pfblocker added on the WAN-tab - but on the secondary firewall i can neither find selected entries in the individual tabs nor do filter list under "IPv4"-tab get synced.
Am I doing something wrong - or must sees settings be performed additionally on the backup firewall?
Thank you very much =)
Was finally able to do what you suggested. Got rid of those IBlock
lists, did not bother to see which list was causing the no internet
issue on reboot. Using your pfBlockerNG_import.php script, posted
here[0] by doktornotor and following superweasel's instructions[1]. No
more reboot issues.For those that are going to use the pfBlockerNG_import.php script. There
are a few things you still need to do, after following superweasel's
instructions:Firewall => pfBlockerNG => IPv4 tab
Edit each Alias/List Configuration to:
Enable the lists you want to use. Ie. 'State' to 'ON'.
And 'List Action' as needed.
Do not forget to 'Save' your changes. And also Force an Update and
Reload]; in:Firewall => pfBlockerNG => Update tab
Once all that is done, will still need to adjust the feeds as they
change from time to time. Take a look at the error.log log file:Firewall => pfBlockerNG => Logs tab
And this post[2] from BBcan177 for some hints. When done repeat the
Force [Update, Reload].-
Is pfBlockerNG_import.php hosted somewhere and kept up to date? A search
did not bring up anything.Would like to Thank all for the information in this thread. Specifically
for the information above, BBcan177, doktornotor and superweasel.
Especially BBcan177, without whom this would not be possible.Thank You
Is pfBlockerNG_import.php hosted somewhere and kept up to date? A search
did not bring up anything.Its one time use. you may delete it after you were done.
Was finally able to do what you suggested. Got rid of those IBlock lists ….. No more reboot issues.
IBlock again! Would have been nice to see which list was causing the issue… Some other poor sucker is going to get hit with that at some point... :)
Is pfBlockerNG_import.php hosted somewhere and kept up to date? A search did not bring up anything.
I am contemplating adding a feature to allow auto updating the Lists/Feeds for a future release. I am finalizing v2.0 which has DNSBL domain name blocking via Unbound Resolver and hope to get that released soon…
Especially BBcan177, without whom this would not be possible.
Thank You!
Was finally able to do what you suggested. Got rid of those IBlock lists ….. No more reboot issues.
IBlock again! Would have been nice to see which list was causing the issue… Some other poor sucker is going to get hit with that at some point... :)
I remember a long time ago I managed to break several boxes that way during the beta period, with a certain list :).
I must say pfblockerng is still my favorite package. Maintained and pretty much bug free. Now I should finally start testing the DNSBL..
Problem solved by BBcan177 with a minor edit to the following file:
Line 192
if (file_exists($local_file)) {
// Determine if URL is Remote or Local
if ($host['host'] == "" || $host['host'] == $pfb['iplocal'] || empty($host['host'])) {
$remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($local_file));
} else {Original:
$remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($local_file));NEW:
$remote_tds = gmdate ("D, d M Y H:i:s T", filemtime($list_url));Thanks!
To be very clear, change the variable $local_file to $list_url
I apply this and after each update the IP count resets to 0 and I have to Force Reload to regain my IP list.
Once I regain my IP list I can see my updates.Any ideas?
I apply this and after each update the IP count resets to 0 and I have to Force Reload to regain my IP list. Once I regain my IP list I can see my updates.
Hi serialdie,
How many pfBNG Aliases did you configure? I think you hit another bug that I haven't merged into the release… If you only have one, create a second Alias and use a list like Spamhaus drop. I think creating a second alias will fix this issue for you... (2 bugs for you in one day :) )
I apply this and after each update the IP count resets to 0 and I have to Force Reload to regain my IP list. Once I regain my IP list I can see my updates.
Hi serialdie,
How many pfBNG Aliases did you configure? I think you hit another bug that I haven't merged into the release… If you only have one, create a second Alias and use a list like Spamhaus drop. I think creating a second alias will fix this issue for you... (2 bugs for you in one day :) )
HAHAHA! I get a cookie? :P
Yes I do have one list setup only so looks like you nailed it with this one.
I will try that and report back.Thanks!
I have asked this before but didn't get a answer
is there is a possibility to use PFblockerNG to block porns like proxy server ? -
is there is a possibility to use PFblockerNG to block porns like proxy server ?
Once pfBlockerNG 2.0 is ready it will have DNSBL available which could be used to block porn. Ive had good success using the DansGuardian formatted lists from

pfBlockerNG v1.10 - Pull Request has been posted -
Changelog: -
IBlock again! Would have been nice to see which list was causing the issue… Some other poor sucker is going to get hit with that at some point... :)
Unfortunately did not have the time to test, sorry.
I am contemplating adding a feature to allow auto updating the Lists/Feeds for a future release. I am finalizing v2.0 which has DNSBL domain name blocking via Unbound Resolver and hope to get that released soon…
Looking forward to try this.
Thank You
It seems logical to have detail allow rules followed by pfBlockerNG block rules before allowing destination ANY rules, did I miss an option to have it work in this order?
If I am reading your request correctly, you are asking to sort the pfSense (Permit/Match) rules to be placed before and after the pfBNG rules… I would think it would be rather cumbersome and not sure if others would use it? For more complex setups, that is where the "Alias" type Rules are better utilized. If I have read this incorrectly, please let me know.
Yes, you are reading this correctly. Figured out how to get floating rules working the way I needed then changed settings to pfBlockerNG block > pfSence Allow and it fixed my set .
Just a quick FYI if anyone needs to know how to pull IP lists from BGP ASN. One option is to use and create an Alias match rules under IPv4 or IPv6
Another option is a script, ugly I know :)
whois -h -- -i origin -T route AS$(whois -h " -v $(host | grep "has address" | awk '{print $4}')" | grep -v AS | awk '{print $1}') | grep route: | awk '{print $2}'
It gets the IP for the host, finds the ASN then looks up the routes for the ASN, can pipe it to a text file and create and Alias from it.
Say you want to find all the hosts for a domain that does not have an ASN. Still trying to figure this one out, it's a quick start:
nmap -R -sL | grep
Is there any way of doing this in pfBlockerNG?
Tony -
Just a quick FYI if anyone needs to know how to pull IP lists from BGP ASN. One option is to use and create an Alias match rules under IPv4 or IPv6
Another option is a script, ugly I know :)
whois -h -- -i origin -T route AS$(whois -h " -v $(host | grep "has address" | awk '{print $4}')" | grep -v AS | awk '{print $1}') | grep route: | awk '{print $2}'
It gets the IP for the host, finds the ASN then looks up the routes for the ASN, can pipe it to a text file and create and Alias from it.
Say you want to find all the hosts for a domain that does not have an ASN. Still trying to figure this one out, it's a quick start:
nmap -R -sL | grep
Is there any way of doing this in pfBlockerNG?
TonyPfblockerng 2.0 will have dnsbl so you can just add and to a list. Or you can block those domains via dns resolver if its only a few.