Atheros AR5212 in/out errors
hi hope someone can help im using Atheros AR5212 on my pfsense box and it works but im getting lots of in/out errors it went close to 2,000 errors and lost wifi connection had to reboot to reset and the errors climb fast i used this site for setup dont know if its the right way
or should i forget this setup and get a access point hope someone can help
thank you
Wow that is a nice writeup. Thanks for the link. I would imagine with an AR5212 card being 802.11G and i think possibly an older driver. You want anything that uses the ATH9K driver. Truthfully for 3 bucks ebay/used you can buy an modern N card and save yourself the hassle.
This is the oldest 802.11n card i would recommend. -
Sorry your linked page confuses me. Why use a MiniPCI wifi card when the device has mini pci-e slot?? And why a 802.11G card, Is this writeup old?? It has a 2014 date on it? I guess maybe because pfSense has 2.2 beta -N support.
WLM54G Low Power: 100mW 802.11b/g mini PCI Card
This card reached EOL on 11 March 2013
thanks for the help phishfry what i did is the second step creating a bridge do that step last because when i tried it it gave me an error so i skipped it for the end and it worked thats the only post it seems to work for me
thanks again i will look into those cards this regular router dont work as fast as pfsense box
What hardware are you running this in? I ran an almost identical card to that for years with no real issues.
That is an old write-up, they're using pfSense 2.0.1, and the Alix board only has mini-PCI slots. No PCIe.Steve
According to this it has mini-pcie. But unsure as i don't own one. can say for certain that if your using pfSense wireless features expecting fast data rates its not happening.
If you want ultimate flexibility.
It's happening. -
Wow, you're right. :-[ I didn't realise any of the Alix boxes had PCIe.
My mistake.Steve
Still i would like to address the bigger issue of Errors the original poster alludes to. I am going to assume he means error messages in the console. I am a fan of pfSense's wireless but don't think for a minute that my console has no errors. I feel its just that if you think of how many packets are flying around - the there are going to be some errors. Especially in a wireless congested area(especially @ 2.4ghz).
My point being, freebsd does not hide anything. You are seeing raw message errors. Is your wireless network working properly? If so then don't sweat it..Not being a jerk to the original poster but a statement that needs to be made. Errors are a way of life live with it. If you use old hardware expect less.
I assumed he meant errors on the interface which could be wireless interference of some kind. I recall it was especially important to configure the antennas correctly.
And my errors in the console seem related to channels and congestion. Good channels-fewer messages. I must change the channel in my area. My antennas are set on Auto.
Found out something cool thru experimenting.
Had a laptop i had upgraded to a 5ghz radio. All good on lower channels bad on uppers.Troubleshot it to the antennas. Never changed them out to 2.4/5ghz antennas and was using an 5 ghz AP and only 2.4ghz antenna on the laptop.
Turns out due to frequency mathmatics 4.8ghz is double 2.4ghz and the closer you stayed to the lowest channels ie 5100mhz the faster the connection speed. Seems 5100 is close enough to 4800 it works. Get higher in frequency's and it drops speed fast.
Just my .02 cents -
im using an old intel board with xeon processor it was an old server i had so i got a pci adapter for the wireless card and added two antenna on the back of the server
and my other thing is the antenna setting is set to default should that be changed since i see talking about antenna everything works great but when i go under interface wan has no in/out errors lan has no in/out errors wifi is the only one that has errors on the in/out section about after awhile errors get high and wifi stops working everything else on the network not wireless works once i reboot wireless works again
thanks guys for all the input im determine to make this work
Check the logs. I had to set a tunable to prevent excessive stuck beacon errors.
A wifi interface will almost always see some errors because it's exposed to random radio interference. You might have some source of RF noise near your box, or in your box. I had to set the antenna carefully because I only one antenna. If it was left at default the range was absolutely terrible.Old but relevant: