Great job on 2.2!!
Just wanted to say great job on 2.2 pfSense!!
Overall my upgrade went rather smoothly.. A few user errors on my end and 1 with pfSense (
Packages don't count IMHO for 2.2. Release =D But no issue i couldn't resolve myself so farI have atom box, so to be safe I installed another hard drive…
Before removing the hard drive, I did a complete backup of the hard drive so I can copy custom files over to the new hard drive and lightsquid reports. I dont know why i need 3 years worth of internet traffic reports. Printed output of pkg_info cause I know i'll need to manually install some packages (monit for example). Did a complete config.xml backup with RRD data. I went from i386 to amd64, so thank you for allowing us to export this data into the xml. Other then Quality, I have 4 years worth of RRD (System/Traffic/Packets). Again, why do I need this? I'm such a data pack rat..
pfSense recommends you uninstall your packages before an upgrade... I also agree with this but I'm lazy and didn't want to re-install them on my 2.1.5 hard drive if I had to fall back... So I remove the installed package section from my config.xml and installed each package one at a time.
I still have to iron out a few details here and there (mostly my own custom crap) but overall every package I use was able to install and startup: suricata, vhosts-http, squid3, squidGuard, dansguardian, lightsquid(required perl5 to be installed), nut, ntop_ng, arpwatch..
So again Thank you!!!
Yup i'm glad pfsense finally moved to freebsd 10.1 ! that freebsd 8 was so legacy it made the project look "outdated" ;-)
I was able to upgrade one of my boxes just fine and the installer re-installed the packages automagically and all works except unbound … but, i hope somebody replies to my "unbound" post soon :)
I'm just excited that i get to use VMXNET3 now since Freebsd 10 supports it ( on my home machine that sometimes has to deal with 1GBPS routing between VLANs ), other than that ... i guess a "multi core" pf with freebsd 10 is good too !