Asterisk RTP on different VLAN - RESOLVED
I have a server with Asterisk 11 on it.
The Asterisk is behind pfSense on VLAN1
Phones on VLAN1 work fine
I also have Phones on VLAN2 - these can accept calls with audio, but making calls, works until the answer and then neither side can hear each other and the RTP is not getting authorized.On Asterisk (FreePBX), in sip settings I have:
External IP - the Public IP that Asterisk has a 1:1 setup in pfSense with
Local Nets - VLAN1 and VLAN2On pfSense, on Vlan2 - a rule exists specifying Asterisk IP for VLAN1 for all ports.
Registration works fine all the way across and I thought I was in the clear … until VLAN2 tried to call VLAN1 - SIP works - ring, etc. Answer, but RTP only the VLAN1 shows RTP authorized.
Any GURU's out there with good pfSense and Asterisk skills? - I'm pulling out what little hair I have left.
I'm a pfsense newbie here, but I've been using Asterisk since 1.4.2.
What do you mean by RTP not authorized? In other words, could you explain your diagnostics a little more please?
Please post your sip.conf, extensions.conf, and rtp.conf. Also, are you familiar with the Asterisk CLI?
It's in the asterisk CLI that I saw that message. I've got the problem resolved though. On the asterisk server, I had only the main IP listed. I had to add to the network devices additional VLAN. So by adding the VLANs to the operating system, I got everything to work and didn't really need to do any bridging of the VLANs with pfSense.