Problems with PFSesnse and VMware Workstation (Networking)
I am having a heck of a time getting access to the Web Configurator when installing PF Sense onto a VM via Workstation. I am using a public IP /29 network that I need to reach via the internet to configure the webconfigurator. I used to be able to ping out but have since played with the config too much and now it won't even ping out. I think my problem lies in how I am configuring my local machine and my VM's network adaptors. It may be an incorrect setting on within VMware such as using bridged vs NAT vs local host connections. Any advice would be much appreciated. I am happy to share more details as needed. Thanks!
How are you trying to reach the web gui? with the physical machine browser? A Virtual machine browser? Some other way?
I have tried accessing it from the local machine's web browser, via my cell phone and another laptop that is on the office wifi (browsing from a public IP). No luck from any. Although I do get a white page from my local machine that appears to finish loading, whereas when connecting from the wifi or cell phone I get a page not available message.
Perhaps you are smarter than me, but when using vmware vmplayer or workstation, I've only been able to access the GUI via the WAN IP after deactivating pfcntl or by a VM with its WAN on the same vmnet as the LAN of the pfsense.
Have you ever been successful in the past or is the your first try?
First try. Let me try spinning up another vm within the same WAN.
pfsense WAN in bridged mode - replicate physical state.
pfsense LAN on a vmnet you pick - make it 5 - why not?
your next vm WAN on vmnet 5 also
Configure pfsense fairly default
Boot your other vm and pull up its browser
You should be able to access pfsense easily on that vm.
Tell me if I missed anything?
I've got a similar problem that may be related as I'm also running PFSense on VM.I can sometimes get into the web interface, when I do, at random times, it just hangs. The console port doesn't respond either.
If you look at the CPU image I've attached, every time I have this issue it's maxing out at 100% - restarting the VM it runs fine until the next time it hangs in while I'm in the web interface.
If I don't log into the web interface, it operates without issue.
Hey thanks for all the help. The client has decided to ship us the firewall/vpn appliance that will be used in the production environment. So we will be halting work on this VM solution until it becomes necessary again. I'm pretty sure your suggestion to set up another vm in the cluster to manage it would work but I might still be stuck with the same problem of not being able to navigate out of my cluster. I also think it would be helpful for me to work with a standard windows server or ubuntu distro to troubleshoot my vm networking issues. Once I fix that I bet I could troubleshoot the PF Sense thing better. anyways, thanks for the help. IF I come back to this and find a solution, I'll post it here.