Update to 2.2 new SSH NAT not working.
If you run a packet capture on the WAN you should see packets arriving for the .36 VIP. If you don't then either the VIP isn't setup correctly or the traffic simply isn't arriving to be forwarded in the first place.
If you run a packet capture on the WAN you should see packets arriving for the .36 VIP. If you don't then either the VIP isn't setup correctly or the traffic simply isn't arriving to be forwarded in the first place.
Created a new FW rule. ICMP from any to any and tested all my public IPs from outside of LAN. All but .36 replied. .36 is just not communicating at all. Time to call ISP.
Called ISP had them flush ARP cache on modem. Removed virtual IP form FW, configured laptop with .36 public IP and pertinent info. Pinged gateway public IP address of .33 and worked well. Pinged
website also worked. Added back virtual IP to FW then created new NAT/Rule and then tried connecting to new LAN IP NAT/PAT from outside .36, did not work. Can still ping all other public IPs except .36.
Hmm? -
And if you run a packet capture on WAN you still don't see any incoming traffic for .36?
And if you run a packet capture on WAN you still don't see any incoming traffic for .36?
Just ran packet capture on .36, no traffic.
How exactly did you connect up the laptop that was configured to be .36?
Presumably this was all working fine under 2.1.5. Did you have a .36 VIP at that point? Can you go back to test 2.1.5?
I'm failing to see how 2.2 could be any different to 2.1.5 here though. At a fundamental level if you're not receiving any packets for the .36 IP on WAN then your ISP isn't sending them. :-\Steve
And if you run a packet capture on WAN you still don't see any incoming traffic for .36?
Just ran packet capture on .36, no traffic.
Back to your ISP.
Looks like I will take another workstation toss in a couple quality NICs and create another test FW. If .36 fails to receive traffic it's ISP problem for sure.
Thanks all for the help/info.