Tinc on 2.2 not working
tinc will not generate a new RSA key pair through the webGUI and if I ssh on to the pfsense and try to execute:
tincd -K
i get
Cannot open config file /usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf: No such file or directory
Failed to read/usr/local/etc/tinc/tinc.conf': No such file or directory Error opening file
/usr/local/etc/tinc/rsa_key.priv': No such file or directoryeven though I know they are there..
any suggestion on what can be wrong?
I was seeing a similar problem. I worked around by creating a symlink from '/usr/pbi/tinc-amd64/local/etc/tinc' to '/usr/local/etc/tinc/'.
ln -s /usr/local/etc/tinc/ /usr/pbi/tinc-amd64/local/etc/tincFound by running truss on the supplied tinned binary which shows tinc opening '/usr/pbi/tinc-amd64/local/etc/tinc' even though the error message claimed it was reading '/usr/local/etc/tinc/' where the generated configuration is stored.
I hope this gets fixed soon :o