RRD graph total wrong
This is the 8 hour graph for my WAN interface. 166GB over the 8 hour period yet a simple average * 8 hours gives (207.69Mbps * 8 hours) a total of ~745GB, the amount I'm expecting.
The outgoing is roughly correct.
Is this normal behaviour?
The graph looks funny, but the numbers seem respectable. Maximum and 95th percentile look correct.
I'm almost always transferring data, so I don't get such asymmetrical graphs, but I did find some historical times in my graph where I had a similar graph of nearly non-visible upload and relatively large download, just not of the magnitudes you have.
It should add up. I've never seen it not. Spot checked a few of ours to make sure and they're all sane. What version are you running, and is it 32 or 64 bit?
I'm running the 64-bit 2.2 official release. This is the first time I've noticed it not adding up. The bandwidthd graphs over the same time period are correct.
Could you post a picture of the bandwidthd graphs?
Total received. Obviously the total is slightly higher now but you can see that the graph generally matches that of RRD.
Is there any way to export those graphs to word or excel ?
Is there any way to export those graphs to word or excel ?
Which ones, built-in RRD graphs or bandwidthd graphs? Images or spreadsheet data?
If you just want some occasional images, just right-click and choose 'save image'.
If you want to grab some bandwidthd images on a regular on-going basis, you can use the graph images that are already generated as .png files for the web gui, plus some scripting of your own. Check /usr/pbi/bandwidthd-amd64/local/bandwidthd/htdocs for the bandwidthd image files; these are updated regularly as long as bandwidthd is running.
rrd graphs on the other hand are normally updated only when required by the webgui; these live in /tmp. You can look through /usr/local/www/status_rrd_graph_img.php to see how you can generate specialized rrd graphs on your own.
Generating a spreadsheet file from the rrd data should be possible, but 'this is left as an exercise for the reader' :)