Squidguard3 not working
I'm working on a friend's machine and I'm unable to get Squidguard to start.
I've checked my config and tried deleting the cache, reinstalling the packages and still no go.
Here's my system logs…
Feb 2 03:17:34 check_reload_status: Syncing firewall
Feb 2 03:17:33 check_reload_status: Reloading filter
Feb 2 03:17:33 php-fpm[51879]: /pkg_edit.php: Reloading Squid for configuration sync
Feb 2 03:17:27 php-fpm[51879]: /pkg_edit.php: [Squid] - Squid_resync function call pr:1 bp: rpc:no -
have same problem after 2 days of runing…. pfsense 2.2 x64, sguid3 3.4.10_2 pkg 0.2.6 + squiguard 1.4_7 pkg v.1.9.10. also try squidGuard-squid3 1.4_7 pkg v.1.9.6 with no luck.
From what I understand, this version will sometimes sleep if nothing is going on with Squid. To confirm, set up an URL block and then test it.
hm… strange. meantime ideinstall squidguard and install dansguardian (only install). Then uninstall dansguardian. wait 1 hour (must look to my wife :)))) ), than install again squidguard-devel, and it work again.....
must look to my wife :)
Put her in a Target Category then Deny her and you won't have that problem any more.
:))))) ok, added also childrens….. but only after 20:00 hour. :))))
I have tried all combinations of squid and squidguard on 2.2 and squidguard never works after rebooting. After rebooting you must import the blackilists again, then it will work.
I have the same problem!
How to fix it? -
Are you guys running the Nano version on an ALIX unit? This blacklist problem sounds familiar.
hi, I have the same problem:
pfsense amd64 in vmware esxi 5.5 -
Which blacklist? Shalla or some other one?
Are you guys running the Nano version on an ALIX unit? This blacklist problem sounds familiar.
I think it a problem not of the hardware platform.
I had problems both by physical PC, and on virtual (Qemu), both - 2.2 x64, (and if I am not mistaken with 2.1.5 too).
I tried to work with two types of blacklist.- http://urlblacklist.com/ -as far as I remember, I couldn't load it on url, there were mistakes when loading. I loaded a blacklist, previously having downloaded it to the computer. The blacklist worked not correct - pages weren't blocked
- www.shallalist.de/ - works, but before reset as it was told above
I've never had a problem with Shallalist.
ok, I believe I found a work around.
First install Squid3
Second, disable the Antivirus and hit save
If you are using Transparent proxy make sure you select your proxy interface and saveOnce you do this Squid should fire.
If you want to use Squidgaurd then you'll need to install, check your configuration and then hit download to download your block list. For some reason squidguard won't fire if you hit apply or save in the main menu. If it still doesn't fire go back to the main menu, hit apply then save then go back and tell it to download the block list again and it should fire once it finishes downloading and installing the block list.
This is the only way I can get squidgaurd to work. If you follow the download with hitting apply or save again squidgaurd will stop.