12 year old motherboard VIA Epia CL 1000
I just realized that one of my small test machines is 12 years old now. She wasnt the fastest on the block back when my little EPIA CL was born 12 years ago with her little VIA C3 processor and 512MB of RAM, but she didnt use much power, had two nics and was very stabil the many years she was my main firewall at home. The last year she has collected dust, men today she got a little tune-up with a pfSense 2.2 installation (nanobsd) on a old and slow 4GB USB key. Boot time is awful, but she still manages to fill the two 100Mbit interfaces with ~90Mbps of traffic on a basic firewall/nat config.
Amazing what a good product like pfSense can do together with an lady like Epia :-)
;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
VIA EPIA EN12000E is my toy, it's a little younger but still going strong. I ran smoothwall at the start but once i found pfsense i haven't looked back.
Boot time is awful, but she still manages to fill the two 100Mbit interfaces with ~90Mbps of traffic on a basic firewall/nat config.
it's pretty amazing how it can manage those speeds with only 10/100 interfaces (old fashioned)
I had an VIA EPIA MII that I retired almost 2 years ago, i didn't even try when i got my upgraded connection and NAS setup.
If you already own it, it works fine and fills your needs, use it. Why not?
trash it or ebay it, and get a celeron 1900j from gigabyte or such.
Why would you do that if it's working fine for your needs?
Me and a buddy with more money than brains were drinking one night when I saw him walking (as in stepping on) a pile of "junk" computer parts. I asked him whats he going to do with that "trash" he is walking on. He said its junk. Doesn't work… He is tossing it out...
I built a server with it the same night we were building him a new server with all new parts.
My "made from trash" server runs circles around the all-new server. He wasn't amused. haha.
Me, I say use it til it doesn't do what you need anymore.
Ha. ;D
i am all about using old parts, but if it is too old, makes little sense
even epia cl 6000 is not too old, although it's older than the cl 10000. pulled mine out of the "junk box" a few days ago to build a replacement for my current router. :)