Ugrading from version 2.0-RC1(i386)
I am new to PFsense and have just inherited a network running on version 2.0-RC1(i386)
I am considering updating to the latest software version.
Is there anything I should be concerned about? I have about 80 users - is any configuration required or will the update 'just work'?
Pentium 3, retro. :D
How much RAM do you have in that firewall? Are you running any packages?
You should be able to upgrade directly but that's not a release version so at the very least you should check to see what the update URL is set to in System > Firmware, Updater Settings tab.
It may be pointed at a snapshot server which would explain why it can't check for updates.The usual upgrade rules apply. Backup, backup, backup and have a plan to restore. ;)
No packages installed.
Not sure how much ram. Is there a way to tell in the GUI?
The memory usage of Dashboard shows 44%. -
Hmm, long while since I've used 2.0! I assume it doesn't say underneath the graph then? From your state-table size and number of mbufs it looks like a small ammount.
You can grep for it in the boot log from the command line like so:[2.2-RELEASE][]/root: cat /var/log/dmesg.boot | grep memory real memory = 1072627712 (1022 MB) avail memory = 1015791616 (968 MB) agp0: aperture size is 256M, detected 764k stolen memory
You can probably also run that from Diagnostics > Command Prompt.