IPv6 lost on 2.2-RELEASE (Comcast)
I had the same issue until I unchecked "Block bogon networks" on the WAN interface. Immediately had an address, and all the computers on the network had IPV6 addresses. Give it a shot. Not sure what this buys me in the security department though…
I have done this and I did get the IPv6 right away as well. What is strange is that it was checked from the start, and the IPv6 was working just fine.
Only some reboots later did the IPv6 stop working. Strange…
System: Advanced: Admin Access
Bogon Networks :: Update Frequency I set it to daily
The frequency of updating the lists of IP addresses that are reserved (but not RFC 1918) or not yet assigned by IANA.After getting the IPv6, i went ahead and checked the block bogon networks, and the IPv6 stayed. (Will monitor to see if it changes upon reboot in the future.)
Try this and see if it works for you.
There's a bug regarding IPv6 not returning after modem reset… I added some comments back in February about it, even with the "Use IPv4 connectivity as parent interface" option enabled.
There's a bug regarding IPv6 not returning after modem reset… I added some comments back in February about it, even with the "Use IPv4 connectivity as parent interface" option enabled.
Thanks for the pointer, I'm now watching this issue. It sounds like your experience is the same as mine.