I broke my new SG2440, console cable asks for password
HI all
So I got my brand new SG 2440 and started configuring it as I wanted, I added some NAT port forwarding rules since I wanted to use port 80 and 443 for other stuff I changed the webconfigurator to port 1 <– BAD MISTAKE
ok so I borked the webconfigurator, no problem there is always command line right, since I did not yet configure ssh access I used a console cable (usb) and based on these comments:
I used ee to edit /config/config.xml and changed port 1 to 81pressed escape to exit it asked to save the file and I did so, then I called the reboot command, when it rebooted the webconfigurator was not working and I was not getting an IP so I connected via console cable (usb) again but this time it asked for a login, I tried the login I setup in the webconfigurator but no luck, I am really stuck and not sure what my options are at this point.
Any suggestions?
one side note, when booting it gives some strange errors which may or may not be related: "pool lighty cannot get uid for user root "
EDIT: I also tried the reset button by having it pressed to 5 secs when powering on but I did not notice any difference
Sounds like the disk was corrupted somehow (power loss, panic, etc) – register your device (if you haven't already) and then drop us a line via the support portal and someone can assist you with reinstalling the OS and getting back up and running.
wow thanks for the speedy reply, how/where do I register the device, there was an option on the setup wizard but I skipped over it in my haste, I checked my emails but there is no mention of registering it only taking a survey.
There should have been a card in the box with the device that explains how to register, but if you've lost that, it should also be explained at https://www.pfsense.org/activate/ – if you have problems there, drop a note to sales@pfsense.org or find someone on live chat at https://portal.pfsense.org and we can get it straightened out.
ok silly there were some its of paper that came in the box - doh…
so its pfsense,org/activate
thanks again