Firewall rules get moved arround after updates on PfBlockerNG?
Not sure since I updated to version 1.08 my rules would get moved around which then meant that I would get blocked out. So I have whatsapp blocked but for me it should be allow. I enabled suppression and added it to rules. I put it on top of all the rules but once I click on force update it changes and puts it on the bottom making whatsapp blocked for me. I also tried leaving it alone but after one day it updates itself and shifts my rules. I was wondering what am i doing wrong? See picture below.
Thank you
In the pfBNG 'General' tab, define the 'Rule Order' option.
Hi BBcan177,
The rule order is pfb pass/match –-pfb block/reject----pfSense pass/match
I have tried pfb pass/match ---pfSense pass/match ---pfb block/reject
it works but it ignores the block when accessing block facebook because IPv4 accepts everythingIf i put a pass/match lets say facebook it will now pass facebook and ignore the block
I tried putting source the ip of my device so it ignores the block which works perfect but then pfblocker updates and deletes the source. Am i missing on a way to only allow certain ip to ignore the block?
Thank you
Yeah, a generic match all rule does match everything; not really surprising. So why are you using the autorules instead of using alias and designing ordering your own rules as needed?
yeah i just ended up using my alias to block sites and allow myself to access it only and pfBlockerNG to block all ads
Thanks :)
Hi killmasta93,
I took a look at your Firwall Rules screenshot… Please do not use the "pfBlockerNGSuppress" Alias as a Firewall Rule Reference… That Alias is used for suppressing those IPs when Lists are downloaded so that they don't end up blocking those IPs. Take a look at the following thread: