"System: High Availability Sync" Configuration store clear password is not safe
1、 https://xx.xx.xx.xx/system_hasync.php
"System: High Availability Sync"
-> "Configuration Synchronization Settings (XMLRPC Sync)"
-> Remote System Password: *******
In this page other administrators user can see admin's clear password.2、Diagnostics: Backup/restore
from downloaded Configuration file also can be find the admin's clear password.that's not safe, how can use alone sync sec key instead of admin user and it's clear password?
I cant in my file. Its encrypted.
My pfsense version is 2.2.2-RELEASE (amd64).
if you have set HA, you can see the clear password in 2 place:1、 IN [system]->[High Avail. Sync]: /system_hasync.php page source code:
<input id="username" name="username" class="formfld unknown" value="admin"><input id="passwordfld" type="password" ="" name="passwordfld" class="formfld pwd" value="clear password">2、 IN [Diagnostics]->[Backup/restore]: when backup without "Encrypt this configuration file"
<password>clear password</password></pfsyncpeerip></hasync></input ></input > -