CPU proformance on 1gb fiber
Hello all new guy here. Been playing with pfsense for years but never put it in production.
Here's my setup.
Core2duo 6320
4gb ram
1 PCI express 1gig fiber card
1 onboard gig nicRunning on the latest stable release, would I have any issues if I was pushing 2 gb in total bandwidth? Also I would only be using pfsense to route a /24 from upstream to smaller /28 or smaller vlans. No dhcp, maybe 1-2 VPN users with very min use
CPU seems fine, biggest issue is what kind of NICs you have. Intel NICs tend to be very good, there are better brands, but they cost a lot more.
Are you asking about the fiber card or the onboard NIC?
Its and older ECS elite board that i think has a realtek chip in it.
the fiber card is a addon brand open sfp fiber card.
I just want to make sure that we can live on this for a while till we upgrade to 10gb uplink
RealTek is hit and miss. Some work "ok", some crap out. I saw someone showing their RealTek trying to do something like 80k interrupts per second. Pretty much killed the system. Intel seems to work really well, but there are a few other brands that are even better from what I hear, but they're too expensive for me.
Well I installed the OS today, and came up with this realtek chip 8168/8111 B/C/CP/D/DP/E/F/G
See my post https://forum.pfsense.org/index.php?topic=93797.0 At first i thought something was maybe bad drivers.
Anywho after installing i noticed i had 3% cpu idle with NO traffic at all… makes me wonder if it will handle a full gig