Block the https websites
Please some one help me how to block the facebook and other sites which related https and not coming in blacklist block categories.
:) -
You can find Facebook under socialnet or social in most blacklists. For example, is included in more than 12 different Shallalist categories. You could also add a DNS host override to resolve to something else.
You could also add a DNS host override to resolve to something else.
Works until people figure out their DNS queries are being "redirected" somewhere else and that then can override that override with their own hosts file entries. May work well enough for a non computer tech environment where nobody knows anything about DNS, networking etc. But would probably be short lived in a computer tech environment.
A proxy would be the most effective way to do this, and you already have another thread open with some very good information already on the subject.
use pfblockerNG or use the firewall to block all https sites and let squidGuard block http
copy all the facebook IP CIDR ex: