Pfsense and Huawei E1820 (on the known working list) problem
Some of the modem scripts seem broken these days. Check this post for something to try.
PPP advanced modem init string:
Some of the modem scripts seem broken these days. Check this post for something to try.
PPP advanced modem init string:
I'll give that a try and report back. Thanks!
No go I'm afraid. Got new log inputs though.
May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] CHAT: Detected Custom modem. May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] CHAT: Dialing server at *99#... May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] CHAT: ATDT*99# May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] CHAT: The remote modem did not answer. May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] MODEM: chat script failed May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] Link: DOWN event May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] LCP: Down event May 13 10:26:47 ppp: [opt7_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3 in 4 seconds May 13 10:26:51 ppp: [opt7_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 3 May 13 10:26:51 ppp: [opt7_link0] CHAT: Detected Custom modem. May 13 10:26:54 ppp: [opt7_link0] CHAT: The modem is not responding to "AT+cfun=1" at ModemCmd: label. May 13 10:26:54 ppp: [opt7_link0] MODEM: chat script failed May 13 10:26:54 ppp: [opt7_link0] Link: DOWN event May 13 10:26:54 ppp: [opt7_link0] LCP: Down event May 13 10:26:54 ppp: [opt7_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 4 in 4 seconds May 13 10:26:58 ppp: [opt7_link0] Link: reconnection attempt 4
Any other ideas? :-[
I installed usb_modeswitch today in an effort to at least try something, but the application says there are no things to change, and exits. And nothing happens with the cua's either. I'm close to giving up >:(
I am not much help with usb modems. I use Sierra MC7700 internal modem and they have 2 modes of firmware, QMI and DirectIP. So that is the only issue with mode switching I have had to deal with. I handle that with Windows firmware flasher. I have a feeling it could be handled with a modeswitch if I knew what i was doing…
In the old days the mass storage devices had to be ejected for 3G to work. I wonder if that is your issue.
Well if I knew there were a firmware to fix this I'd use it, but I don't think there are. It really bothers me that open source is always like this. Like "sure it works, but you need to do A, to go to B, to reach C, in order to get X, then it'll work". And there's usually not enough accurate documentation, so it's almost always a guessing game half the time. Argh! >:(
I really thought I'd done the right thing when I specially ordered this modem, since it was the only modem I could get my hands on that was on the known working list. It really sucks!
Not sure where to go from here, I really need 3G or 4G to work since there are no more options at the location the unit resides.
Anyone got any ideas?
Ok, I don't know exactly what I did except changing cua to 0.0, now it suddenly works. Can't even explain what I did differently this time that I haven't already tried. And secondly if it'll last. We'll see.
Tnx for all help Phishfry!
just for reference are you using the +CFUN command or is it working out of the box?
just for reference are you using the +CFUN command or is it working out of the box?
Nope. And as far as I can tell, not modeswitch either. At least the cua's look the same as before I installed modeswitch, and the script itself said there are nothing to change. It just suddenly started to work and I have no freaking idea why. That bothers me.