BitTorrent & copy wright violation notifications from IP-Echelon
What do you do when one of your users engage in more serious criminality and you ARE required by a court order to identify them?
IF I get a court order I will comply.
How if you have no idea what customer is on what IP address?
I'm not saying not knowing is a bad thing, but I like to know what's going on with my networks.
Knowing what's going on and keeping logs longer than necessary for troubleshooting are two different issues. ;)
Ok…what if you wrote a PASS rule on your LAN interface for TCP traffic destined for any IP on ports 6881-6999 and set it to log. Maybe that will help identify them.
This sounds like a workable solution which is likely to find the majority of the clients I'm looking for. Unfortunately I know no more about writing these rules than I so about snort. But this sounds like something I can research and learn…
Pfsense is versatile and powerful. Even though I've used it for 5 years I feel like I only have a minimum knowledge and consider myself fortunate to be able to get it to do what I need. Now that I need it to do more, I'll have to learn more. And that's a good thing.