DHCP Client Configuration Advanced Settings Options with pfSense Rel. 2.2
Now that pfSense Rel 2.2 is out with the DHCP client configuration advanced settings options (Interfaces: WAN: DHCP client configuration: Advanced), here as a usage example are the DHCP client configuration advanced settings I've used for impersonating the Verizon FiOS and Frontier FiOS router's WAN DHCP client (Actiontec MI424-WR HW Rev. C & F).
Be sure to read the notes below also for some additional details.
Protocol Timing:
timeout 60
retry 1
select-timeout 0
initial-interval 1Lease Requirements and Requests:
send:dhcp-class-identifier "Wireless Broadband Router", dhcp-client-identifier "", host-name "{hostname}", domain-name "home", option-125 00:00:0d:e9:1f:01:06:30:30:30:46:42:33:02:0c:{mac_addr_hexU:}:03:07:4d:49:34:32:34:57:52
subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, domain-name, domain-name-servers, time-servers, log-servers, default-ip-ttl, interface-mtu, vendor-encapsulated-options, dhcp-requested-address, dhcp-lease-time, dhcp-server-identifier, dhcp-parameter-request-list, dhcp-class-identifier, dhcp-client-identifier, www-server, option-125
subnet-mask, domain-name-servers, routers
In the send option host-name, {hostname} uses the string specified as the Hostname in the standard DHCP client configuration options. In the case of both the Verizon and Frontier Actiontec MI424-WR Rev. C & F this was/is: Wireless_Broadband_Router
If desired {hostname} can be replaced directly with the hostname string.In the send option option-125, {mac_addr_hexU:} uses the network interfaces MAC address in the form of XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (upper case with colon delimiter).
If desired {mac_addr_hexU:} can be replace directly with the HEX representation of the network interfaces MAC address.
For Example: MAC 00:01:02:03:04:05:06 would be 30:30:30:31:30:32:30:33:30:34:30:35:30:36With the exception that option-125 was not used (omitted) for Frontier FiOS, these advanced DHCP cleint configuration options were the same for both Verizon FiOS and Frontier FiOS with Actiontec MI424-WR HW Rev. C & F.
To verify these are the correct settings for impersonating your router's WAN DHCP client, get a packet capture of it's DHCP discover request and alter the options accordingly.
Attached is an override config file example using these same settings.
[Actiontec.MI424-WR FiOS Impersonation.conf.txt](/public/imported_attachments/1/Actiontec.MI424-WR FiOS Impersonation.conf.txt)
Logged in to say thanks - this grabs the default IP lickety split.
When you said option-125, {mac_addr_hexU:} I simply replaced my VZ actiontek mac for all inluding bracesNow getting the NAT rules for stb channel guide, ugh, confoosion.
Thank you, NOYB for this and your other guides regarding this topic on this forum.
I have modified your above instructions in a new post to work for the G1100 FiOS Quantum Gateway. The packet impersonation is slightly different (option 61 instead of option 125).