Monitoring traffice my spicific device / mac address
I am eager to build and deploy a pfsense appliance. I am not understanding how to monitor every appliance / mac address though.
If my home is set up as: cable modem -> pfsense box -> router, how do I see and monitor every pc?
Or, should I remove the router and replace with a switch and access point?
Thanks for any input
Yes. MoDem(bridge) <-> WAN-NIC-pfSensebox-LAN-NIC <-> Switch <-> { hosts() }
hda -
Thank you! I will set it up per your diagram. My pfsense box only has two nic cards ( 1 wan 1 lan) If I add a third one (ore more) each of these would be their own network and would not 'talk' with the others correct?
Yes. Another NIC, another LAN. You could manage with pfSense how LAN's communicate or not.