COS 802.1p between pfsense 2.2.2 and 2.1.5
Hi all,
I'm using Pfsense 2.2.2 to configure a WAN EFM Internet Connexion requiering a VLAN tag and a specific COS 802.1p but the WAN connexion don't work correctly (packet loss, very important ttl)
- WAN is set on em0 interface
- VLAN 2900 is set on the WAN interface (vlan2900_em0)
- PPPoE is set on the VLAN port (vlan2900_em0)
- COS 802.1p EE is set by floating rules.
- is set to 1
After following many post (,,, I have opened a support ticket on my ISP support.
The ISP Support Team detect that the COS on the outbound traffic is not apply, but he have some experience with prior pfsense version (2.1.5) and say me it must working.
So we have backup the current pfsense configuration (2.2.2), reinstalled pfsense 2.1.5 on the same hardware appliance and restored the configuration previously backuped.
With same configuration, but under pfsense 2.1.5, COS is correctly apply on the WAN EFM connexion and the Internet Connexion is working.So, I think :
1. I forgot a parameter in pFsense 2.2.2 that is not existing in 2.1.5 to correctly apply COS 802.1p
2. a "bug" exist in pFsense 2.2.2Thanks,