Traffic in Queue
How do monitor or check that traffic is following the correct queue.
In other words how do I check that http is in default queue?
I usually just use the particular protocol I'm interested in and watch the Diagnostics - Queues output. Download an ISO via HTTP and then watch to see if qDefault spikes. I think there also might be a way of doing it from CLI via pfctl or some other pf command, but I don't remember for sure.
Thats what I did but I have a qvoip queue for IAX2 port 4569 and no voip devices setup to run over my wan yet and see a little traffic flowing in that queue.
Post a screencap of your Floating Rules. Maybe something isn't correct there.
You can use tcpdump on pflog and see what rule matches each packet, assuming logging is enabled.
something like "tcpdump -lnettti pflog0".
I usually use pftop via terminal/SSH.
You can use tcpdump on pflog and see what rule matches each packet, assuming logging is enabled.
something like "tcpdump -lnettti pflog0".
I usually use pftop via terminal/SSH.
How to enable this?
System - Advanced - Secure Shell - Secure Shell Server. Then you can use PuTTY or your favourite terminal app to connect, or go to the console and press 8 for Shell.