SARG: LDAP module not compiled in sarg
Olá galera,
Estou tendo um problema com o sarg, não sei se está relacionado com o este suporte ( como ele é bem antigo imagino que não. Porém no request do Murilo ele conseguia realizar report ao setar a OU em que os usuários se encontravam, aqui eu cheguei a setar a OU inteira, porém sem sucesso. Tentei modificar o caminho retirando os espaços por %20, coloquei e removi as aspas "", mudei a porta do LDAP de 389 para 3268. Alterei o BindUser pro administrator "CN=Administrator,…" porém até agora não consegui sucesso. Quando desativo o LDAP o report funciona!
Poderiam me ajudar?
sarg -x -z
SARG: Init
SARG: Loading configuration from /usr/local/etc/sarg/sarg.conf
SARG: TAG: access_log /var/squid/logs/access.log
SARG: TAG: graphs yes
SARG: TAG: output_dir /usr/local/sarg-reports
SARG: TAG: anonymous_output_files no
SARG: TAG: resolve_ip no
SARG: TAG: user_ip no
SARG: TAG: topuser_sort_field BYTES normal
SARG: TAG: user_sort_field BYTES normal
SARG: TAG: exclude_users /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/exclude_users.conf
SARG: TAG: exclude_hosts /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts.conf
SARG: TAG: date_format u
SARG: TAG: lastlog 0
SARG: TAG: remove_temp_files yes
SARG: TAG: index yes
SARG: TAG: index_tree file
SARG: TAG: overwrite_report no
SARG: TAG: use_comma yes
SARG: TAG: exclude_codes /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/exclude_codes
SARG: TAG: max_elapsed 0
SARG: TAG: report_type topusers topsites sites_users users_sites date_time denied auth_failures site_user_time_date downloads
SARG: TAG: usertab ldap
SARG: TAG: LDAPBindDN "CN=pfsense,OU=Service Accounts,OU=IT Department,OU=MyOU,DC=myDomain,DC=local"
SARG: TAG: LDAPBindPW MyPassword123
SARG: TAG: LDAPBaseSearch "DC=myDomain,DC=local"
SARG: TAG: LDAPFilterSearch sAMAccountName=%s
SARG: TAG: long_url no
SARG: TAG: date_time_by bytes
SARG: TAG: charset UTF-8
SARG: TAG: privacy no
SARG: TAG: bytes_in_sites_users_report no
SARG: TAG: topuser_num 0
SARG: TAG: dansguardian_conf
SARG: TAG: squidguard_conf /usr/pbi/squidguard-amd64/etc/squidGuard/squidGuard.conf
SARG: TAG: redirector_log_format #year#-#mon#-#day# #hour# #tmp#/#list#/#tmp#/#tmp#/#url#/#tmp# #ip#/#tmp# #user# #end#
SARG: TAG: show_sarg_info no
SARG: TAG: show_sarg_logo no
SARG: TAG: displayed_values bytes
SARG: TAG: authfail_report_limit 0
SARG: TAG: denied_report_limit 0
SARG: TAG: siteusers_report_limit 0
SARG: TAG: user_report_limit 0
SARG: TAG: squidguard_report_limit 0
SARG: TAG: www_document_root /usr/local/www
SARG: TAG: ntlm_user_format domainname+username
SARG: TAG: realtime_refresh_time 0
SARG: TAG: realtime_types GET,PUT,CONNECT
SARG: TAG: realtime_unauthenticated_records show
SARG: TAG: sorttable /sarg_sorttable.js
SARG: TAG: hostalias /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/hostalias
SARG: Loading exclude host file from: /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts.conf
SARG: Loading exclude file from: /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/exclude_users.conf
SARG: Reading host alias file "/usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/hostalias"
SARG: List of host names to alias:
SARG: Deleting temporary directory "/tmp/sarg"
SARG: Parameters:
SARG: Hostname or IP address (-a) =
SARG: Useragent log (-b) =
SARG: Exclude file (-c) = /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/etc/sarg/exclude_hosts.conf
SARG: Date from-until (-d) =
SARG: Email address to send reports (-e) =
SARG: Config file (-f) = /usr/local/etc/sarg/sarg.conf
SARG: Date format (-g) = USA (mm/dd/yyyy)
SARG: IP report (-i) = No
SARG: Keep temporary files (-k) = No
SARG: Input log (-l) = /var/squid/logs/access.log
SARG: Resolve IP Address (-n) = No
SARG: Output dir (-o) = /usr/local/sarg-reports/
SARG: Use Ip Address instead of userid (-p) = No
SARG: Accessed site (-s) =
SARG: Time (-t) =
SARG: User (-u) =
SARG: Temporary dir (-w) = /tmp/sarg
SARG: Debug messages (-x) = Yes
SARG: Process messages (-z) = Yes
SARG: Previous reports to keep (–lastlog) = 0
SARG: sarg version: 2.3.9 Sep-21-2014
SARG: Loading User table: ldap
SARG: LDAP module not compiled in sargldapsearch -x -h -p 389 -s sub -D "CN=pfsense,OU=Service Accounts,OU=IT Department,OU=MyOU,DC=MyBusiness,DC=local" -w "Change123" -b "dc=MyBusiness,dc=local" "(sAMAccountName=alice)" cn
extended LDIF
base <dc=mybusiness,dc=local>with scope subtree
filter: (sAMAccountName=alice)
requesting: cn
alice, IT Users, IT Department, MyBusiness, MyBusiness.local
dn: CN=alice,OU=IT Users,OU=IT Department,OU=MyOU,DC=MyBusiness,DC=local
cn: alicesearch reference
ref: ldap://ForestDnsZones.MyBusiness.local/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=MyBusiness,DC
=localsearch reference
ref: ldap://DomainDnsZones.MyBusiness.local/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=MyBusiness,DC
=localsearch reference
ref: ldap://MyBusiness.local/CN=Configuration,DC=MyBusiness,DC=local
search result
search: 2
result: 0 SuccessnumResponses: 5
numEntries: 1
numReferences: 3</dc=mybusiness,dc=local>
editado pra adicionar o system.log:
Jun 18 11:00:00 firewall php: sarg.php: Sarg: force refresh now with -d
date +%d/%m/%Y
args, compress() and none action after sarg finish.
Jun 18 11:00:00 firewall php: sarg.php: The command 'export LC_ALL=C && /usr/pbi/sarg-amd64/bin/sarg -ddate +%d/%m/%Y
' returned exit code '1', the output was 'SARG: LDAP module not compiled in sarg' -
Olá amigo, tudo bem?
Também passei por isso e consegui resolver desmarcando a opção Enable LDAP Search na aba Users e inserindo todos os IPs da LAN no campo Exclude Users. Assim, o comando sarg -x gerou o arquivo index.html e começou a gerar os arquivos.