Carp State takeover with cisco layer3 stacked switches
I configured 2 PFsense 2.2.2 (updated to 2.2.3) as failover cluster, i've done this with offical PFSense manual for that.
So far everything is working great failover etc.I've configured 1 carp address on wan side and one on lan side (gateway), the wan carp ip will be translated over outbound nat.
In case of takeover connections on wan side WAN–>LAN-->LAN_HOST are not interrupted but connections on lan side LAN-->WAN-->WAN_HOST are getting interrupted.The diffrence between LAN and WAN is that on WAN side is a simple switch and on Lan side are 2x Stacked Cisco Switches in Layer 3 mode.
The Lan network is a Vlan.
Pfsync is working as expected states are synced between both nodes.The question is do i have to configure some special option on cisco switches to grant state takeover without interrupt ?