This fully qualified hostname already exists
Hey all,
Had some problems with a cheap Epson Wifi printer today. (god I hate wifi devices, why can't they all just have Ethernet ports…)
As part of my troubleshooting process I deleted (or so I thought) its static mapping in the DHCP settings. I did this by just removing th eip address and hitting save.
That part worked. When I finally got it to connect again, now the static mapping is cleared and it gets a new IP address.
Now my problem is, I want to set this static mapping again, but I get the following error:
The following input errors were detected: This fully qualified hostname (Hostname + Domainname), IP, MAC address or Client identifier already exists.
I'm guessing I deleted the static mapping improperly, and now there are some remnants of it hiding somewhere in my settings, but I've gone through and I can't seem to find where the logical place might be.
Can anyone help me find what and where this something is, so I can delete it, and set static mapping for the printer again?
Much appreciated,
Matt -
You could try exporting your settings via config.xml backup. Then parse it to find out where the glitch is and localize which section of your config it's in. Then export again but just that section. Edit and re-import. Completely hypothetical as I've never done it.