Firewall rule based on IP name and not IP address
Hi guys, I'd like to allow a specific IP address in my network to access just 1 address from internet but I'd like to allow this access as and not as its IP as it can change with time. How can I set a firewall rule to allow this since destination field on firewall rules only accepts IPs?
kind regards
not alias. I want pfsense to check the agains DNS server so I can make sure I'm pointing to the correct IP as IP can change.
From the Firewall - Aliases - Edit page:
"Enter as many hosts as you would like. Hosts must be specified by their IP address or fully qualified domain name (FQDN). FQDN hostnames are periodically re-resolved and updated. If multiple IPs are returned by a DNS query, all are used. You may also enter an IP range such as or a small subnet such as and a list of individual IP addresses will be generated."
So like I said Alias ;)