[Hyper-V] Both Nodes in MASTER-State
This problem seems to be very common. We are trying to get CARP to run between 2 pfSense VMs residing on Hyper-V-virtualization solution. Both hypervisors are directly connected to each other using a Link Aggregation (which primarily serves the purpose to replicate VMs between physical hosts).
This seemed to be the perfect link for a carp setup. Therefore we connected both VMs virtual NICs to this LAG and let Hyper-V use a VLAN-Tag 13 for this communication.
Long story short: It does not work >:( . Both pfSenses will assume a MASTER STATUS all of the time. After a lot of internet research it seems that there is a problem with the 'advertising' which is rather common. But I cannot manage to find a working solution to this problem. Quite often you read about enabling 'MAC Address Spoofing' on both vNICs which does not work for me. I also tried out Hyper-Vs 'Port Mirroring Settings' - setting NIC1 to 'source' and NIC2 to 'destination' and setting both to 'destination'. Does not make a difference either =(.
Does anybody know how to get it to work properly?
Thank you very much =)
just tried it with a dedicated cable running from host A to host B, a 'dedicated' vSwitch just for CARP - only connecting both vNICs and enabled 'MAC Address Spoofing'. It does not make any difference - both Nodes still assume a Master status. :-X
I know this is an old topic but it has just taken me 4 hours but I had this same problem and have resolved it so if it helps someone else i thought it would be worth it!
You have to enable Mac spoofing on the advanced settings of the NICs in Hyper-V & also set a static MAC address on the adapters.
simple as that but frustrating if you didn't know & I spent hours searching!