Block the Proxy sites
Dear Team,
I want to block the Proxy sites in our firewall.
Kindly send the procedure for blocking the proxy sites.
Kindly send the procedure for blocking the proxy sites.
1. Figure out all of the IP addresses for every proxy in the entire world that you want to block
2. Create an alias to hold all of those IP addresses
2. Add firewall rule on LAN to block access to that alias you created in #2That's it. We can help you with steps 2 & 3. Step 1 – you're on your own. Try using Google to look for public web proxy servers.
Add the domain name to aliases, eg
etc etc and then put them on a block rule in the fw rules.The hard work is establishing the subdomains and domains not associated with the example as they might have a few other domains they use for the actual routing of proxy server traffic.
At the very least establishing and blocking the entrance point and/or ports will be a nuisance but as the Alias function in pfsense doesnt translate down to subdomains, you will need to specify all permutations yourself.
pfBlockerNG has a proxy blocklist (based on MaxMind data).